HONG KONG — Tianjin Tianhai, a Chinese shipping group, will buy the technology distributor Ingram Micro for $6 billion in the latest mega-deal involving a Chinese company.
香港——中国航运集团天津天海将斥资60亿美元收购技术分销商英迈(Ingram Micro),这是最新的一宗涉及中国公司的大型交易。
Tianjin Tianhai will pay $38.90 a share in the deal, which Ingram, based in Irvine, Calif., said would help it increase investment and expand its geographical reach. Ingram will suspend its quarterly dividend payment and its share repurchase program until the deal is complete.
The deal was made in the face of growing wariness in Washington over Chinese acquisitions of technology companies in the United States. On Tuesday, Fairchild Semiconductor International rejected a $2.5 billion bid from Chinese state-backed buyers because of fears that the deal would not get regulatory approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, also known as Cfius.
该交易达成之际,正值华盛顿对中国收购美国科技公司变得越来越谨慎。本周二,仙童半导体公司(Fairchild Semiconductor International)拒绝了一家有中国政府背景的买主提出的25亿美元收购要约,因为他们担心监管机构美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,也称Cfius)不会批准这宗交易。
Regulatory filings on Wednesday showed that Tianjin Tianhai would be required to pay Ingram a termination fee of $400 million under several circumstances, among them the dismantling of the deal by antitrust concerns or a review by Cfius.
Ingram will become a subsidiary of HNA Group, an air transport and logistics company based in Hainan, China. Alain Monié, Ingram’s chief executive, will remain in place, and the company said it did not expect any disruptions. Tianjin Tianhai is itself a subsidiary of HNA Group.
英迈将成为海航集团(HNA Group)的一家子公司。海航是一家航空运输和物流公司,总部设在中国海南,天津天海本身就是它的子公司。英迈的首席执行官阿兰·莫尼(Alain Monié)将继续担任该职位,公司表示他们预计不会出现任何扰动。
“We look forward to supporting Ingram Micro’s management team and strategies, including continued expansion into new geographies, while also offering their vendor and customer partners access to new and complementary offerings,” Adam Tan, the chief executive of HNA Group, said in a news release.
“我们希望为英迈的管理团队和战略提供支持,包括继续拓展到新的地区,并向他们的供应商和客户合作伙伴提供新的、互补的产品,”海航总裁谭向东(Adam Tan)在一份新闻稿中表示。
Mr. Tan added that Ingram would become the biggest revenue generator for HNA Group and would help it reach “business opportunities in emerging markets, which have higher growth rates and better profitability.”
Mr. Monié said that HNA Group’s logistics and its presence in China would support the growth of Ingram.
China International Capital Corporation and Bravia Capital acted as lead financial advisers to HNA Group, and Weil, Gotshal & Manges acted as legal counsel.
海航集团的首席财务顾问是中国国际金融股份有限公司和Bravia Capital,法律顾问是威嘉律师事务所(Weil Gotshal & Manges)。
Morgan Stanley & Co. acted as financial adviser and Davis Polk & Wardwell acted as legal counsel to Ingram.
英迈的财务顾问是摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley & Co.),法律顾问是达维律师事务所(Davis Polk & Wardwell)。