日期:2016-02-22 10:18


China's appetite for US assets was stifled on Tuesday after Fairchild Semiconductor turned down a $2.6bn bid from Chinese state-backed enterprises over fears that the deal would be blocked by US regulators.

周二,中国对美国资产的浓厚兴趣被浇了一盆冷水,飞兆半导体(Fairchild Semiconductor,亦称“仙童半导体”;当前半导体行业巨擘英特尔(Intel)、AMD等的创始人均出身此公司——译者注)拒绝了中国政府背景企业发出的26亿美元的收购要约,原因是担心会受到美国监管机构的阻挠。

The California-based company chose an offer by US rival ON Semiconductor instead of a higher bid by China Resources and Hua Capital, highlighting the difficulties for Chinese groups in securing sensitive assets in America.

总部位于加利福尼亚州的飞兆选择接受美国竞争对手安森美半导体(ON Semiconductor)发出的收购要约,而不是由华润(China Resources)和华创投资(Hua Capital)发出的开价更高的收购要约,这一事实凸显出中国企业在美收购敏感资产面临的困难。

ON Semiconductor agreed to acquire Fairchild for $20 per share in cash, while the Chinese consortium countered with $21.70 per share in cash.


Fairchild's decision may unsettle ChemChina, which has agreed to buy Swiss agribusiness company Syngenta for $44bn, marking China's largest overseas takeover in history.


The Chinese chemicals group has been trying to reassure politicians in Washington that the acquisition of Syngenta, which has a presence in the US, poses no risks to national security.


The Committee on Foreign Investment in the US, last month blocked a $3.1bn sale of a lighting unit from Philips, the Dutch conglomerate, to a Chinese consortium due to “unforeseen concerns”.

上个月,美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment)以“预想不到的担忧”为由,封杀了荷兰集团飞利浦(Philips)将旗下照明部门以31亿美元卖给一家中国财团的交易。

Last year, a planned $23bn bid for chipmaker Micron by Tsinghua Unigroup, the Chinese state-owned semiconductor business, was aborted partly because it had little confidence it could complete the deal.

去年,中国国有半导体企业清华紫光(Tsinghua Unigroup)以230亿美元收购芯片制造商美光(Micron)的计划夭折,部分原因在于紫光对自己能够完成这宗交易没有什么信心。

"Chinese companies are desperately trying to buy assets outside of their home market but they are aware that the US isn't the easiest place to get deals approved," said a senior banker in New York.


However, another banker said that CFIUS’s tough stance on Chinese takeovers would not prove a deterrent for Beijing-backed buyers.


"They will keep on trying... have a mandate to buy foreign assets and they will keep finding ways in," said an adviser who works with Chinese buyers.


So far this year, four of the five biggest cross-border deals have involved Chinese groups bidding for US and European assets worth $61.7bn in total.


  • conglomerateadj. 密集而固结的,成簇的 n. 联合企业,密集体,
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • reassurev. 使 ... 安心,再保证,重拾(信心等)
  • appetiten. 嗜好,食欲,欲望
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • acquirevt. 获得,取得,学到
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握
  • stancen. 准备击球姿势,站姿,踏脚处,位置
  • sensitiveadj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的
  • acquisitionn. 获得,所获之物