US secretary of state John Kerry has intervened in the Brexit debate and urged the UK to stay in the EU. He said it was in the interests of the US as well as the EU that Britain remained a member.
美国国务卿约翰克里(John Kerry)介入了“英国退欧”辩论,并敦促英国留在欧盟内。他说,英国留在欧盟内既符合欧盟的利益,也符合美国的利益。
Mr Kerry was speaking on Saturday at a security conference in Munich where the need for a strong EU to deal with the refugee crisis was high on the agenda.
Mr Kerry said: “Europe is going to emerge stronger than ever, provided it stays united and builds common responses to these challenges.”
He added: “Now obviously, the United States has a profound interest in your success, as we do in a very strong United Kingdom staying in a strong EU.”
David Cameron on Friday night vowed that Britain would “not pull up the drawbridge and retreat from the world” as he put national security at the heart of his case for remaining in the EU.
周五晚,英国首相戴维愠蕓伦(David Cameron)发誓说,英国“不会拉起吊桥、闭关自守”。同时,他把国家安全列为他支持英国留在欧盟内的核心理由。
Speaking in Hamburg at the ancient St Matthew’s feast with Angela Merkel looking on, Mr Cameron linked Britain’s EU membership to the fight against Isis.
卡梅伦是在德国总理安格拉默克尔(Angela Merkel)的作陪下在汉堡出席历史悠久的马太宴会(St Matthew's Feast)时发表这番讲话的。他把英国留在欧盟内与反“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)的斗争联系在了一起。
Mr Cameron said: “Just as Europe has faced down dangerous and murderous ideologies in the past, so again we must stand together in this, the struggle of our generation, to confront this evil and defeat it.”
Ms Merkel, the German chancellor, promised that she would do her best to help Mr Cameron get his deal, which will form the basis for a campaign to keep Britain in the EU at a referendum planned for June 23.
“We are convinced that from the German perspective, Great Britain remaining in the European Union is desirable,” she said. Ms Merkel pledged “to do everything with David Cameron to find a compromise”.
The two leaders travelled to Hamburg — which sees itself as Germany’s most Anglophile city — in a gesture of solidarity. Mr Cameron invoked the Hanseatic League as evidence that Germany and Britain shared a vision of an outward-looking, trading Europe.
汉堡自视为德国最亲英的城市,这两位领导人的汉堡之行展现了一种团结的姿态。卡梅伦还提到汉萨同盟(Hanseatic League),以此来证明德国和英国都曾憧憬建立一个外向型的、注重贸易的欧洲。
“The strongest part of our relationship is our shared values and beliefs,” Mr Cameron said. “We all believe in the importance of trade, and that has been the case for centuries.”
While Mr Cameron’s referendum campaign will rest primarily on the economic advantages of EU membership, a strong secondary theme will be based on national security.
“In a world where Russia is invading Ukraine and a rogue nation like North Korea is testing nuclear weapons, we need to stand up to this aggression together,” he said.
Germans broadly want the UK to stay in the EU — but not at any price. In a YouGov poll this month, 59 per cent said they would prefer Britain to remain a member, against 18 per cent who said the UK should leave, with the rest undecided. Moreover, Germans see Brexit as increasingly possible — 47 per cent think the UK could go its own way.