A German man suffered serious facial injuries and lost a number of his teeth when an e-cigarette exploded in his mouth.
The 20-year-old was smoking an electric cigarette, and had put the device to his mouth to inhale, when the battery exploded, Cologne police reports. He suffered severe injuries to his face, including wounds to his mouth, with the explosion itself knocking out several teeth.
The incident took place in a vape shop on Saturday afternoon as the man was purchasing new parts for his e-cigarette, The Local.de reports.
This is just the latest incident reported involving e-cigarettes or vapes exploding and injuring users.
Last week, mother-of-two Kirby Sheen, 24, said she had been lucky not to lose an eye after an e-cigarette exploded in her face. Ms Sheen's eyelid was split in two by the mouth piece of the device which blew up as she put a battery in the device on Wednesday afternoon.
上周,已经是两个孩子妈妈的24岁的Kirby Sheen表示,一支电子烟在她的面部爆炸,幸运的是没有把眼睛炸掉。Sheen女士表示,在星期三下午,当她把电池安到设备上准备吸烟时,突然发生了爆炸,她的眼皮被炸的一分为二。