Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in the north-west of the Yangtze River, connecting the urban areas with the Pukou District, is one of China's own design and construction of double-lane highways, railways dual-use bridge, completed on December 29, 1968.
Highway, on top of the bridge, is 4589 meters long with 15 meters wide carriageway, which can accommodate four large auto parallel. The two sides also have more than two meters wide sidewalks. The railway bridge is 6772 meters long, 14 meters wide, with the two-track shop. Two trains can be off at the same time. The bridge on surface of the river is 1577 meters long, and the remaining is for the highway bridge with the rich Chinese characteristics Double Arch Bridge hyperbolic form. 200 iron relieves are embedded into the highway bridge railings on both sides, besides, there are 150 pairs of magnolia flower-shaped lights on sidewalks. Each of two north-south ends of the bridge has a 70 meters high bridge tower. The lift in the tower will carry people reach the railroad bridge, the road bridge and the watch station on the tower. In front of each tower, it stands a 10-metre high sculpture of worker-peasant-soldier. Down the south tower, it is a beautiful park.
On December 18, 1968, China's own design and construction of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was opened to traffic. It marks a leap of China's bridge construction. Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is recorded by Guinness World Revenue.The completion of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, shortened one and a half hours by ferry from the river in the past to two minutes by train on the bridge, greatly facilitated cross-strait exchanges and the exchange of personnel, materials, promoting the economic development and people's lives.