Should Harvard be free?
That is the provocative question posed by an outsider slate of candidates running for the Board of Overseers at Harvard, which helps set strategy for the university. They say Harvard makes so much money from its $37.6 billion endowment that it should stop charging tuition to undergraduates.
But they have tied the notion to another equally provocative question: Does Harvard shortchange Asian-American applicants in admissions?
The slate of five former students was put together by Ron Unz, a conservative from California and software entrepreneur who sponsored ballots initiatives opposing bilingual education. Although the campaign, “Free Harvard, Fair Harvard,” includes one left-leaning member — the consumer advocate Ralph Nader — Mr. Unz and the other three candidates have written or testified extensively against affirmative action, opposing race-based admissions.
加尼福尼亚保守派、软件创业人士罗恩·温茨(Ron Unz)团结了五位哈佛校友的力量。温茨资助过以反对双语教育为目标的多项选票倡议。虽然在这个“免费哈佛、公平哈佛”运动中有一位左倾成员——倡导消费者利益的拉尔夫·纳德(Ralph Nader)——但是温茨和其他三位候选人撰文或在听证会中不遗余力地作证,反对平权措施,反对基于族裔的录取制度。
Their positions are in lock step with accusations in a federal lawsuit accusing the university of discriminating against Asian-Americans in admissions. Harvard has denied the allegations.
Coincidence or not, the plaintiffs in that case are seeking from Harvard exactly what the slate of candidates wants: disclosure of data showing how the university’s freshman class is selected each year.
The politically charged data holds the potential to reveal whether Harvard bypasses better-qualified Asian-American candidates in favor of whites, blacks and Hispanics, and the children of the wealthy and powerful, the group argues.
“Our focus is entirely on greater transparency in admissions,” Mr. Unz said, “namely urging Harvard to provide much more detailed information on how they select the very small slice of applicants receiving offers of admission, in order to curb the huge potential abuse possible under the entirely opaque system.”
Whatever the political motivations of the slate, Mr. Unz and the other members have hit on two increasingly contentious issues in higher education: astronomical college costs and affirmative action.
The ballooning expense of college has become a hot topic in the presidential race, with several candidates proposing solutions ranging from government-financed tuition to the idea that private investors could finance college expenses in exchange for a share of an individual’s future earnings. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have proposed an idea similar to the one held by Mr. Unz’s slate — that college endowments should be tapped to cover tuition.
The United States Supreme Court is considering whether race should be used as a factor in college admissions. As so-called underrepresented minorities — blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans — get a boost at Harvard and many other colleges, Asian-Americans are among those who say they lose out.
Mr. Unz and his group argue that the two issues are related. They say that once word spreads about a free Harvard education, the number of highly qualified candidates from all backgrounds will spike, and the university will no longer have trouble balancing its class for racial or ethnic diversity.
And if Harvard abolishes tuition for undergrads, Mr. Nader said, “It will ricochet across the Ivy League.”
Maybe. Officials at Harvard suggested that even if the slate were to win, the idea is a nonstarter, pointing out that the endowment is split into thousands of funds designated for specific uses that have nothing to do with undergraduates.
“There is a common misconception that endowments, including Harvard’s, can be accessed like bank accounts, used for anything at any time as long as funds are available,” Jeff Neal, a Harvard spokesman, said. “In reality, Harvard’s flexibility in spending from the endowment is limited by the fact that it must be maintained in perpetuity and that it is largely restricted by the explicit wishes of those who contributed the endowed funds.”
“有一个普遍的误解,就是包括哈佛在内的大学收到的捐款可以像有了一个银行账户一样随取随用,只要钱没有用完就行。”哈佛的一位发言人杰夫·尼尔(Jeff Neal)说,“事实上,哈佛在使用捐款时的灵活度受到很多限制,第一是必须是永续管理,第二是捐赠者的意愿。”
Mr. Neal also said that although tuition is high, Harvard, like many universities with large endowments, is generous with financial aid, awarding more than $1.4 billion to undergraduates in the past decade.
But Mr. Unz believes that even with the potential aid, prospective low-income applicants may be discouraged by the published tuition of $45,000 a year.
Mr. Unz, whose 2012 data analysis of admissions at Harvard and other Ivy League institutions is cited in the case against the university, said his slate was not pressing to abolish affirmative action at Harvard, it was seeking only to get more information. But several members of the group are known for their past advocacy against using race in admissions.
One is Lee C. Cheng, chief legal counsel for the online electronics retailer Newegg.com, who is co-founder of an organization that filed a brief in support of the white plaintiff in the lawsuit against the University of Texas that is before the Supreme Court.
郑立(Lee C. Cheng,音)就是其中之一。他是在线电子零售商新蛋网(Newegg.com)的首席法律顾问,联合创建的一家组织曾向最高法院递交过一份诉讼摘要文件,以支持一名白人原告对德克萨斯大学的诉讼。
Mr. Cheng is also quoted in the suit against Harvard, which was brought by Students for Fair Admissions.
在“大学生公平录取”(Students for Fair Admissions)组织对哈佛的诉讼中,也提及了郑立。
Another member of the slate is Stuart Taylor Jr., a former reporter for The New York Times who is co-author of a 2012 book contending that affirmative action harms minority students. And another is Stephen Hsu, a physicist and vice president at Michigan State University who has written against the use of race in college admissions.
该团体的另一个成员小斯图亚特·泰勒(Stuart Taylor Jr.)曾是《纽约时报》的记者。2012年,他与人合著了一本书,认为平权行动伤害了少数族裔学生。另一个成员史蒂芬·许(Stephen Hsu)是密歇根州立大学的物理学家和副校长,他也撰文反对将种族因素纳入大学招录之中。
Mr. Nader, who got his law degree from Harvard, said the admissions system has been “bollixed up for decades” by legacies and other preferences.
In court documents filed in the Fisher case, Harvard says a victory for the plaintiffs in the Students for Fair Admissions lawsuit would overturn its efforts to build a racially diverse class.
The Board of Overseers, with 30 members elected for rotating six-year terms, is the second most powerful board at the university. Members are generally elected from nominees selected by the Harvard Alumni Association.
由30个成员组成、每六年重新选举的哈佛大学监事会是哈佛权力第二大的委员会。成员大多经由哈佛校友会(Harvard Alumni Association)提名后选举产生。
To be placed on the ballot, other candidates must get petitions signed this month by 201 Harvard alumni.
Mr. Unz, who these days is busy collecting signatures, believes his group stands a good chance. Part of his strategy apparently relies on low turnout among the 320,000 or so alumni, combined with the hope that an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 Asian-American graduates will be energized by the “Fair Harvard” plank.