Shares in China’s second and third-largest state-owned telecom companies jumped yesterday on news of an alliance between them to take on market leader China Mobile.
中国第二和第三大国有电信运营商的股价昨日大涨,原因是它们宣布将结成联盟与市场领先者中国移动(China Mobile)展开竞争。
China Unicom and China Telecom outlined a wide-ranging agreement to fight their dominant competitor with areas of strategic co-operation including sharing capital expenditure and promoting smartphone standardisation, in addition to joint negotiation of international roaming rates and working together to promote their products.
为了挑战目前占霸主地位的竞争对手,中国联通(China Unicom)和中国电信(China Telecom)公布了一份广泛的协议,拟在多个领域开展战略合作,包括共享资本支出、推动智能手机标准化、联合谈判国际漫游资费,以及合作推广它们的产品。
Third-ranked China Telecom and number two China Unicom each rallied more than 7 per cent in Hong Kong before ending the day up 4.8 per cent and 3.8 per cent, respectively.
Chris Lane, telecoms analyst at Sanford Bernstein, said that the key components for both companies were an agreement to share a new rural 4G network and a proposal for a national smartphone standard.
盛博(Sanford Bernstein)电信分析师克里斯莱恩(Chris Lane)表示,对两家公司来说,关键内容是同意共享一个新的农村4G网络,以及一项国家智能手机标准的提议。
“They’ve in essence decided to build a third network, a 4G network that will serve both the Unicom and the Telecom subscribers in the rural areas,” said Mr Lane, which would save them capital expenditure of 30-40 per cent and operational spending of 50 per cent.
Mr Lane said any financial benefits from the deal were at least 18 months away. Bernstein forecasts upside of 11-12 per cent for each company’s stock price over the long term.
Analysts said that another aspect of the deal — promoting a new smartphone standard based on supporting six common technologies — would probably appeal to the Chinese government, and appeared to be an effort to enlist ministry officials to pressure China Mobile into signing on too.
The new standard would make things easier for handset manufacturers because they would only have to make one version for all three carriers. China Telecom would stand to benefit the most as it currently uses the most limited standard.
China Mobile dominates the market with a 63 per cent share, far outweighing China Unicom’s 22 per cent and China Telecom’s 15 per cent.
The alliance follows a shuffle in August when Chang Xiaobing, former chairman of China Unicom, took the same role at China Telecom while Wang Xiaochu, departing chairman of China Telecom, took the same post at China Unicom. According to one former telecom official, the alliance was directed by Mr Wang. In contrast, Mr Chang resigned from China Telecom in December as a result of anti-corruption probe.
While executives at both telecom groups insisted that the alliance was not a precursor to a full merger, analysts said it could be the first step in a broad restructuring of the industry and that a merger should not be ruled out.
Restructuring the industry appeared to have begun in October with the merging of cell tower assets into a single company, designed to reduce duplication and foster efficient capital spending.
The moves to pool tower assets, swap chairmen, and now to join up in a strategic alliance underlines just how clubby the world of the Chinese telecommunications industry can be, with the state encouraging just enough competition between companies to keep them from becoming complacent. The government believes too much competition could create waste and duplication.