经典科幻文学:《基本上无害 Mostly Harmless》 第18章11
日期:2016-01-22 15:23


‘Temporal reverse engineering.’


‘Oh,’ said Arthur. ‘Oh yes.’


‘The question is, who is it really doing it for?’


‘I’ve actually got a sandwich in my pocket,’ said Arthur, delving. ‘Would you like a bit?’


‘Yeah, OK.’


‘It’s a bit squished and sodden, I’m afraid.’


‘Never mind.’


They munched for a bit.


‘It’s quite good in fact,’ said Ford. ‘What’s the meat in it?’


‘Perfectly Normal Beast.’


‘Not come across that one. So, the question is,’ Ford continued, ‘who is the bird really doing it for? What’s the real game here?’


‘Mmm,’ ate Arthur.


‘When I found the bird,’ continued Ford, ‘which I did by a series of coincidences that are interesting in themselves, it put on the most fantastic multi-dimensional display of pyrotechnics I’ve ever seen. It then said that it would put its services at my disposal in my universe. I said, thanks but no thanks. It said that it would anyway, whether I liked it or not. I said just try it, and it said it would and, indeed, already had done. I said we’d see about that and it said that we would. That’s when I decided pack the thing up and get it out of there. So I sent it to you for safety.’


‘Oh yes? Whose?’


‘Never you mind. Then, what with one thing and another, I thought it prudent to jump out of the window again, being fresh out of other options at the time. Luckily for me the jetcar was there otherwise I would have had to fall back on ingenious quick-thinking, agility, maybe another shoe or, failing all else, the ground. But it meant that, whether I liked it or not, the Guide was, well, working for me, and that was deeply worrying.’




  • soddenadj. 浑身湿透的,没煮透的,呆头呆脑的 v. (使)
  • agilityn. 敏捷,灵活,轻快
  • prudentadj. 谨慎的,有远见的,精打细算的
  • universen. 宇宙,万物,世界
  • displayn. 显示,陈列,炫耀 vt. 显示,表现,夸示
  • reversen. 相反,背面,失败,倒档 adj. 反面的,相反的,
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • temporaladj. 当时的,暂时的,现世的 n. 世间的事物
  • disposaln. 处理,处置,布置,配置 n. 垃圾粉碎机
  • ingeniousadj. 机灵的,精制的,有独创性的