日期:2016-01-18 10:00


ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) also known as ISIL, and DAESH seemed to appear very suddenly, out of nowhere, in 2014. By 29 June of that year it had proclaimed a new Worldwide Caliphate with its leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as Caliph.
ISIS(伊拉克和大叙利亚伊斯兰国)也称ISIL(伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国)。2014年,“达伊沙” 不知从何处突然出现。2014年6月29日,ISIS声称建立了一个新的哈里发政权,其首领贝克尔·巴格达迪为国家的领导人。
ISIS insists on calling itself the Islamic State (to the chagrin of many Muslim countries around the world) but in spite of tales of almost unimaginable horror coming from the lands ISIS now control it has proved almost impossible for the west to understand what motivates ISIS and how to deal with them. This ignorance is fuelled, in great part, by ISIS themselves. They either prevent westerners from entering their domains or capture those who do enter, use them as hostages and then torture and kill them in a variety of increasingly gruesome ways while capturing the deaths on camera and disseminating them around the world to underline the power and uncompromising nature of ISIS. However, while there is much we do not know about ISIS, some key facts have come to light about their motivations and goals. So here is our top 10 list of things that ISIS really wants.

10.To Be Seen As Separate From And More Islamic Than Al Qaeda


ISIS started out in 1999 as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, fighting in the Iraqi insurgency and forming the Islamic State of Iraq in 2006. It advocated the use of extremely violent methods which led to discontent amongst partner organizations. By 2014 they had cut all ties with Al Qaeda, Al-Qaeda will not pledge allegiance to the Caliphate and their methods are criticized by ISIS as not being extreme or Islamic enough.
Indeed when ordinary Syrians in the north of their country became fed-up of ISIS control and their brutal imposition of an extreme brand of Islam they rebelled. Fighting alongside them was the local Syrian Al-Qaeda cell – al Nusra. While Al-Qaeda and ISIS share many of the same intrinsic core beliefs and are both extreme terrorist groups they operate in fundamentally different manners. ISIS believes that it is necessary to establish territorial control and promote a Caliphate. Al-Qaeda are working towards the end goal of a caliphate but do not necessarily expect it to be established any time soon. ISIS believe that the declaration of the new Caliphate in 2014 was the first time in 1000 years that true Islam actually existed. Followers of ISIS believe that it is not possible to be a proper Muslim without pledging allegiance to a Caliph. The caliphate of the Ottoman Empire is regarded as a sham and all those who fail to pledge support to Al-Baghdadi (including Al-Qaeda) are failing in their duty as proper Muslims.

9.To 'Liberate' Istanbul And Raise The Flag Of Allah Over The White House.


ISIS has understood the need to engage with people on modern platforms and as such they are expert operators of Social Media and will engage with select reporters if the collaboration will be of some benefit to them. In 2014 they worked with Vice News to create a documentary to disseminate their beliefs to the Western World. In this documentary they threatened to attack Istanbul.
Turkey and Syria have been engaged in a long running dispute with Syria and Iraq concerning the building of the Ataturk Dam on the Euphrates River. This dam, built in the 1990s has helped regulate the availability of water in South East Turkey but it has, as a result, limited the amount of water reaching Syria and Iraq. ISIS threatened to 'liberate' Istanbul to force the opening of the dam. In the same video ISIS heckled the US, goading it to send soldiers who could be humiliated. They threatened to invade the west, capture women and orphan children and prophesied that the Flag of Allah would be raised over the White House. ISIS has further called on Muslims around the world to work together to kill 10 million Americans in retribution for the Muslims killed by the west.
土耳其长期以来与叙利亚和伊拉克冲突不断,原因就是幼发拉底河上的阿塔图尔克大坝(Ataturk Dam)。该水坝于20世纪90年代建成于土耳其南部,用于水的分配管理,叙利亚与伊拉克境内的可用水也因此减少。ISIS威胁要“解放”伊斯坦布尔,以迫使他们打开水坝。在这盘影像带中,ISIS一直在刁难美国,意图激怒美国派兵,好“供”他们羞辱。ISIS威胁要侵占西方各国,捕获妇女和孤儿,并预言真主的旗帜定会插在白宫之上。ISIS还号召全球的穆斯林国家共同努力,杀掉1000万美国人以祭奠被西方各国杀害的穆斯林教徒。

8.Defeat The Armies Of Rome At Dabiq


The town of Dabiq in Syria has a symbolic importance to ISIS that goes far beyond its strategic value, so important, that ISIS has used the name of the town as the name for their propaganda magazine. This importance harks back to a statement in a hadith (a saying of the Prophet Mohammed) which claims that the armies of Rome will meet the Armies of Islam at Dabiq where there will be a battle in which Islam will be ultimately victorious. This battle is part of the final Armageddon, or end of days and the battle of Dabiq will precede the conquest of the world before Jesus will return to lead the armies of Islam.
It is not quite certain who ISIS considers to be the modern day 'Rome'. The term could refer to Turkey as Istanbul was the capital of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire in the time of Mohammed or it could be any western led army or coalition, indeed any grouping that opposes ISIS. ISIS itself appears to be almost desperate to entice the armies of the west to Dabiq, In November 2014 the video of the gruesome beheading of Peter Kassig, the American aid worker showed the executioner boasting that his body was to be buried in Dabiq stating they were waiting for the armies to arrive.

7.To Adhere To A Hardline Interpretation Of Islam


It has become fashionable for those who condemn ISIS to claim they have nothing to do with Islam this is not factually correct. Many (indeed most) Muslims do not subscribe to or agree with ISIS' hardline interpretation of Islam but that does not mean that they are not Islamic or that they are not interpreting the Koran and other Islamic texts for their own ends. ISIS are Islamic fundamentalists –to fail to understand this is as wrong as failing to understand that extremist Christian groups can be both extreme and Christian. 92% of polled Saudi Arabians agreed, when asked that ISIS conformed to Islamic beliefs. This might not be surprising coming from Saudi Arabia where people follow a strict Wahhabist form of Islam but it is instructive. Any religion is open to both moderate and fundamentalist interpretations. It is more correct to say that the beliefs and practices of ISIS are not in line with modern moderate Muslim belief any more than moderate Christians believe in stoning women for adultery.
If we ascribe modern western or, indeed, modern Muslim, values to ISIS it will only lead to analysts and opponents to make mistakes in understanding what ISIS want. Indeed, understanding the Islamic beliefs of ISIS is one of the keys to understanding their motivation which is to live life exactly as ordained by the Prophet Mohammed. ISIS believe it is the duty of all Muslims to do this. ISIS believes it is at war, surrounded by non-believers (any Muslim who does not subscribe to their strict interpretation is considered an apostate) and hostile neighbors, struggling to establish their religion in exactly the same way as Mohammed all those years ago.

6.Execute All Those Muslims They Believe To Be Apostate


Hand in hand with their desire to follow the teachings of Mohammed faithfully, ISIS believes that those Muslims who do not live exactly as they require are apostate, they follow a doctrine of Takfirism which requires all true Muslims to expose those who are apostate. There is no room for movement – to be a proper Muslim you must follow a hard line, pure, Sunni belief or you can legitimately be called apostate.
While all Muslims are required to honor the Koran and the sayings of Mohammed these are not the only requirements ISIS sets out for 'Muslim' life. According to their interpretation anyone who touches or sells any drugs or alcohol is apostate. Wearing the wrong type of clothing is forbidden and a beard is mandatory. Belief in or the following of any evolution from the strict form of Islam promulgated by Mohammed is considered to be anathema as Mohammed was guided by divine wisdom and therefore proposed the perfect religion which has no need of change. Those who are takfir have to be executed in order to save the world from their sin. ISIS do not permit their followers to vote in elections – so any Muslim living in any democracy who has voted is apostate as is any Muslim who has run for office (this includes all Muslim heads of state). ISIS are Sunni Muslims and therefore consider all other types of Muslims to be apostate including all Shiites. They consider the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda and the Wahhabist leaders of Saudi Arabia to be apostate as none of them practice Islam in its original and therefor perfect form. The latter is particularly ironic as it is believed that much of the funding for ISIS comes from Saudi Wahhabists and its beliefs are founded on the extreme Wahhabism of the 1930s.

翻译:由敬雯 审校:祝冉华 来源:前十网

  • propagandan. 宣传,宣传的内容
  • evolutionn. 进化,发展,演变
  • discontentn. 不满 adj. 不满的 v. 令(人)不满
  • extremistn. 极端主义者,过激分子
  • chagrinn. 懊恼 vt. 使 ... 懊恼
  • regulatevt. 管理,调整,控制
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • enticev. 诱骗,引诱
  • strictadj. 严格的,精确的,完全的
  • preventv. 预防,防止