A shy, stammering young man fails to enroll at his dream university. He takes a trip to Thailand as a consolation, but it turns out to be a mess, full of unexpected pitfalls.
It’s a complicated role, full of emotional ups and downs–definitely not the kind of role you’d give a young actor who is “fresh meat” in the movie industry. But 18-year-old Liu Haoran was ready to take on the challenge.
The new film Detective Chinatown (《唐人街探案》) is only Liu’s second film, but it’s his first real hurdle as an actor. He stars as Qin Feng, an ingenious but awkward teenager who is addicted to detective novels. As he travels to Thailand, he finds himself embroiled in a murder mystery.
The story is a departure from Liu’s previous work. His debut role was as a high school student in Beijing Love Story (《北京爱情故事》). That one was no sweat, and in his words, he was playing “my life and my story”.
When Harper’s Bazaar asked Liu to describe himself, he chose three phrases: sunshine, healthy and positive energy. His character Qin Feng, however, is the opposite. Qin struggles with internal demons, and his ultimate dream is to commit a watertight crime.
“He’s different from me in many aspects... But during the process of understanding and interpreting the role, I also discovered another side of myself,” Liu told Sohu Entertainment.
Liu has been slapped with the label of “little fresh meat”, a term which has been widely applied to young male actors since Li Yifeng’s rise to national fame in the TV series Swords of Legends (《古剑奇谭》) in 2014. These actors, represented by Li, Jin Boran and William Chan (陈伟霆), were born after 1985 and first gained attention through talent shows. Without specialized acting training, they have wasted a few years wavering between a career in singing or acting. Many still struggle to be recognized as professional actors.
To piggyback on the popularity of “little fresh meat” actors, some older actors are even dressing like teenagers in films – as convincingly as a mutton dressed as a lamb.
Unfortunately, actors cannot live by their pretty faces alone. Few moviegoers would pay to just see an actor’s face. High quality plots and acting are expected.
Having starred in a production like Detective Chinatown, Liu is already ahead of many actors in his age cohort. With his youth and strong performances, critics have reason to be optimistic about his future.