Extendance: When did the company start?
Eugene: Officially in June 1997,but I had been working on this as a hobby since 1989. In 1991,I got a job at a Russian IT company; well actually that was not the Soviet Union any more in 91 there were some private companies already (in the Soviet Union there were no private businesses at all). There were the first private companies, and an IT company managed by my former teacher. He knew me, believed in me and let me work with computer viruses. That was my hobby, there was a bit of money, and at that time in Russia a hundred US dollars salary a month was good money, so I survived!
尤金:公司正式成立是在1997年,但是我从1989年起就已经把其当作兴趣来发展了。我于1991年得到一份俄罗斯IT公司的工作,那个时候实际上已经不是苏联 了:在1991年已经有一些私有公司存在(在苏联时期是没有任何私有公司存在的)。 那是第一批私有公司,其中的一家IT公司是由我以前的老师管理的。他认识并且相 信我’他让我做计算机病毒相关的工作。那是我的兴趣,钱虽然很少,但是那时在俄 罗斯100美金一个月的薪水已经算是很富裕的了。所以我存活了下来!
Slowly it became a business. I developed it step-by-step. I got people one by one, building this team where all of them in the beginning were just software engineers. I made these guys pay more attention to the quality of the protection, to the quality of the engine, to the quality of the product. And in 94 we got the first awards — actually that was the first anti -virus tests in Hamburg University, the first anti-virus tests in the world, and in these tests we came first. So we started to get requests from European companies from individuals, from small companies, because who was going to work with an unknown Russian software security company, in 94?
渐渐的这成为了一项生意。我逐步的开发,一个一个的招人,由起初仅由软件 工程师们组成继而建立起了整支团队。我让我的团队成员更多注意的安全、引擎和 产品的质量。1994年我们获得了第一个奖项,实际上这是汉堡大学的第一个反病毒 测试奖项,也是世界上的第一个反病毒测试奖项,在这些测试中我们获得了第一 名。谁会在1994年和一个不知名的俄罗斯软件安全公司做生意?所以我们一开始就 从欧洲的公司、从个人、从小型公司接订单。
Extendance: Obviously, Kaspersky is a Russian company. In retrospect1 would you say that it was more difficult or easier to be a Russian company?
Extendance:很明显,卡巴斯基是一个俄罗斯公司。回想起来你觉得作为一个俄 罗斯公司相对其他公司的经营是更加容易还是更加困难呢?
Eugene: Yes and no. In the past there was also that perception that Russian companies were not trustworthy. The question was not direct (but it was) “They are an IT security company from Russia! ?” Now it’s different: there are no more questions of trust. It,s the opposite — Russia is respected as a country with very well educated software engineers, so now it works in different ways. But what was more difficult is that we didn’t have the experience, we didn’t have teachers. We had to learn it by ourselves. Actually, we were the first generation of IT businessmen, the first generation of people who started international businesses, and still in Russia many people have the Iron Curtain in their minds because they were born in the Soviet Union, so we are the exception. People of my age, they have this. So that was a very negative impact of our Russian origin. But I think there are more positive impacts. First of all, being Russian, we are partly European and partly Asian 一 so is Russia Eastern Europe orWestern Asia? I think that it’s easier for us to understand both West and East. And also there are not two Russians. It’s a much younger society than Germany or Britain. English, Scottish, Welsh, they do not mix. We have an employee from Cambridge. She was 30 years old, she went to London to an exhibition center. She had never been there before starting the job! That was her first time in London. So the positive thing is that it’s easier to us to understand others. We can feel the differences. And the most positive thing is that Russia has a very strong technical education system. So we have direct access to Russian brains!
尤金:两者都有吧。过去的看法是俄罗斯公司不可靠。经常会有这样的问题出 现:“他们是一家来自俄罗斯的U安全的公司? ”现在情况巳有所不同:巳经不存在 信任的问题了。刚好相反,俄罗斯被认为是拥有诸多受过良好教育的软件工程师的 国家,所以现在情况很不一样。但是相对困难的是我们并没有许多经验,我们也没 有老师,我们必须得自己学习。实际上我们是第一代n商务人士,是第一代开始进 行国际商务的人。在俄罗斯仍然有许多像我一样年纪的人的心里有着一道坎,因为 他们出生在苏联时期,而我们是个例外。因此这对于有着俄罗斯血统的我们有着非 常负面的影响。但是我觉得正面的影响是更多的。首先作为俄罗斯人,我们一部分 是欧洲人,一部分是亚洲人。我觉得我们更加容易理解西方和东方,我们是一个比 德国或者英国都要年轻许多的国家。比如说英国,英格兰人、苏格兰人和威尔士人 他们并没有融合。我们有一位从剑桥回来的雇员,30岁,她去了伦敦一个展览中心 工作。她在开始工作之前从来没有去过那里。那是她在伦敦的第一份工作.因此正面积极的事情是我们更容易去理解别人,我们能感觉到其间的差別。最为正面积极 的事情是俄罗斯拥有一个非常强大的科教系统,而我们有更多的机会可以使用俄 罗斯的人才!
Extendance: Educational public relations?
Eugene: Yes really we educate people, we explain what’s bad, what’s good, what to do, what not to do. And actually I think that’s our major part of marketing. Actually, we also have the traditional marketing, we have advertising, but it’s not so important. I think that much more important is to educate people and by education we just build the brand. We build the respect for the brand, we make people trust the brand.
尤金:确实是我们在教育人们,我们解释哪些是坏的,哪些是好的,哪些不要去 做。事实上我觉得那是我们市场营销当中最主要的部分。我们也有传统营销,我们 有广告,但是并不是非常重要。我觉得更重要的是教育人们,通过教育我们建立品 牌,建立对品牌的尊重,我们使得人们相信这个品牌。
When you are talking about security, people don’t buy products, they buy trust. If you don’t trust a security product, why would you buy it? So 1 think that’s the key in marketing. That’s where we are different to others.
当你在谈论安全的时候,人们并不是在购买商品,他们购买的是信任。如果你 不并相信一个安全产品,你为什么会去买它?所以我觉得那才是市场营销的核心。 那也是我们与其他人不同的地方。
When we were starting up, many of our partners (not all of course but some) cheated us; that’s reality. But we agreed to that, because that was a kind of promotion. Let them not report 100% of sales, that’s okay, they promote us. Because we didn’t have any money at all. And later, when we got some muscles, we started to develop our annual presence at CeBit in Germany starting from 96. It was a very small booth, now it’s like 500 square meters. Actually, that was quite interesting, because at that time we didn’t have money so we followed the optimal way in terms of money because we had nothing to spend, but at the same time that was the optimal2 business way because we didn’t waste our money on the traditional activities, we did it differently, we understood the psychology of the malware creators, we understood what they were doing, we were able — still are able — to predict what’s next, and we were spreading this news.
当我们刚刚起步的时候,有很多合作伙伴欺诈我们,那是现实。而我们接受那 样的做法,因为那对我们也是一种促进。他们不汇报100%的销售,没关系,这样反 而促进了我们。然后呢,当我们拥有了一些力量,我们从96年开始在德国CeBitde年 度展会上崭露头角。一开始只有很小的一块地方,而现在已经拥有500^方米的场 地了。事实上,有趣的是那个时候我们并没有钱,我们使用最优化的方案因为我们 没有可以花费的东西。但同时那又是最优秀的商业方案,因为我们没有浪费钱在传 统的活动上。我们采取的方法有所不同,我们理解恶意软件开发者的心理,了解他 们正在做的和他们所能做的,并能够预见他们下一步要做什么,而且我们传播这些 信息。
Extendance: What is the division between online marketing versus traditional marketing in spending?
Eugene: In the future it will be 10% traditional, 90% online, and in online, it will be 10% traditional online and 90% the new generation online, communities, because the real difference (from) traditional marketing is you can talk to the wall, but the wall doesn’t talk; but online in the future people will exchange their information, exchange their opinions, especially the younger ones who were born in the Internet era. We,re the old guys, we’re the dinosaurs, we still remember how we were living without the internet, without mobile phones without smartphones.
尤金.将来的趋势是10%的传统方式,90%的网络方式;在这90%的网络方式中 又有10%的传统网络模式和90%的新一代的网络社区模式。因为真正的差别在于传 统营销就像是你对着墙壁说话,但是墙壁不会反驳一样。而通过网络的方式,将来 人们可以交换他们各自的信息,交换彼此的意见,尤其是出生于因特网时代的年轻 人。我们已经是老家伙,已经是恐龙了。我依然记得我们在没有因特网,没有移动电 话,没有智能手机的情况下是如何生活的。