Here are some simple tips for getting to enjoy your current job.
既然现在你已经选择了从事这份工作,那你就应该尽力做到最好。当然,从长 远观点来看,你可以换一份工作,甚至是从事一种新的职业;但现在,你只能对你正 在做的工作更热爱一些。
1. On the way to your workplace, get yourself motivated to face the day. Think of how the work you have allows you to have your life outside of it, such as a great social life. A positive attitude will make the day more pleasant and productive.
2. Keep your work in perspective. You can only do the best you can in each situation. Look beyond yourself and your work, and consider the bigger picture. Do some voluntary work to gain a broader outlook. Find a way to contribute to society in general.
1.在去办公室的路上,使自己有动机地去面对这一天。想一想,你的这份工作 是怎样使你将自己的生活抛在一边的,例如美好的社交生活。一种积极的态度能够 使这一天变得更令人愉快,更有成效。
3. Remember that you are more than your work. Do not have your identity too strongly tied to the job you do. Give up thinking that your work life “should” be a certain way.
2-始终想着自己的工作。你在任何情形下,只能把能做的做到最好;要超越自 我和自己的工作,把眼光放远,想着更广阔的前景。主动去做一些工作,使眼界变得 更开阔;找到一个为社会大众作贡献的方法。
4. Plan your time. In your to-do list include long term projects as well as the more imminent things that need doing. Prioritise your to -do list — do the most important things first. When performing any task, ask yourself — is this the best
use of my time?
3.记住,工作并不是你的全部。不要把自己的身份与你的工作过于紧密地联系 在一起;不要认为工作生涯“应该”成为一种固定的生活方式。
5. Concentrate on the task at hand. Do not let yourself be distracted by worrying about all the other things to be done. Stay in the moment.
4.计划好自己的时间。把要做的事列出名单,里面要既包括长远目标,也有更 紧急的需要完成的事。把要做的事排出优先顿序先做最重要的事。在做任何事 的时候,问一问自己--这是对我的时间最合理的利用吗?
6. Clarify anytime you are not sure or where you are faced with conflicting demands. The more clear and upfront you are with your manager and the other people you work with, the better it will be for you in the long term.
7. Delegate wherever appropriate. Decide if there is anything that can be delegated, or that more fairly belongs to someone else’s work load. Always remember the “3D” rule — do it, dump it or delegate it ——never handle a piece of paper twice.
6.任何时候都要弄清楚你不确定的事,以及你面临互相冲突的要求之处。在你 的经理和其他同事面前,你的思路越清晰,对你的长远发展就越有好处。
8. Have regular breaks. Get away from your normal workplace even if only for five minutes. Try taking a break from the laptop, emails and do leave the mobile behind. Make sure that you do have that lunch break 一 it is not just for food but also for fresh air and a mental break.
7.在任何适当的情况下,把事情委托给他人。要能够决定是否有任何事可以委 托出去,或者这件事是否本来就是别人的工作。永远记住“3D”原则——执行、放弃 或是委托;一张纸绝不要使用两次。
Eat a healthy lunch and if you must snack, make sure it is healthy too — an apple rather than a bag of chips.
8.有规律地休息。适时离开工作场所,哪怕只有5分钟也好。从手提电脑和电子 邮件中解脱出来,休息一下,把手机也留下。要确保有午休时间——不仅是为了吃 午餐,也是为了呼吸新鲜空气,让大脑得到休息。
9. Learn to relax no matter how challenging the work gets or how demanding your bosses become. At the end of the day it is only a job, and you are much more than that. In years to come, you will look back and wonder what the fuss was.
10. Contribute towards creating a pleasant work environment. Do not gossip in the office as it just creates negativity all around. Do not listen to any gossip either. Minimise your time with people that you donot resonate with or like.
9.无论工作多么有挑战性,或是你的老板多么苛刻,也要学会放松。在这一天 结束的时候,那只不过是一份工作而已,你自己要比那重要得多。在未来的岁月里, 当你回顾以往的时候,会对当时的忙乱感到奇怪。
Learn to have more fun at work.
10.努力创造一个愉快的工作环境。不要在办公室里散布谣言,那只会在周围 制造消极气氛;也不要听信流言飞语。对于与你没有共鸣或你不喜欢的人,要减少 和他们共处的时间。
11. Review your day before you leave for Home. Look at what worked well, and what could be improved the next day. If you feel satisfied with the day’s work, then why not reward yourself later that day. You deserve it.
12. Switch off once you leave work. You are already at work a third of your time, so do not continue to keep it buzzing in your head during your supposed free time. Mentally say good bye to your work space the moment you leave for home.
11.在下班回家之前,回顾一下自己的这一天。看一看什么做得好,什么是需要 第二天加以改进的。如果你对这一天的工作感到满意,那么,为什么不在当天晚上 奖励自己一下呢?这是你应得的。
See your work as a game. Life is meant to be fun and if you are going to spend a third of it at work, you might as well enjoy the game.
空闲的时间里,不要让它继续在你的脑中嗡嗡作响。动身回家的时候,你的大脑便 与工作告别了。
要把工作视为一个游戏。生活本应开开心心的;如果你打算把生活的三分之一 时间用来工作,那么,你最好喜欢这个游戏。