Remember the line about the manager with a reputation for brilliance taking on a business with a reputation for poor economics? It is usually the reputation of the business that emerges intact.
Few companies have gone further than Yahoo in demonstrating the truth of Warren Buffett’s amusing dictum. Over the past three and a half years, the ailing US internet company has to all intents and purposes bet the ranch on an attempt to revive its fortunes under the leadership of the Silicon Valley superstar, Marissa Mayer.
没有几家公司比雅虎(Yahoo)更能证明沃伦巴菲特(Warren Buffett)这条有趣格言的正确性。过去三年半,这家每况愈下的美国互联网公司实际上赌上了全部家当,希望在硅谷巨星梅里莎蔠尔(Marissa Mayer)的领导下重振雄风。
Nothing has been too much for the ex-Google executive. Billions of dollars have been lavished on takeovers and the financing of new product development. Ms Mayer’s eye-popping package alone could end up paying her more than $250m if she stays till next year.
The reward for shareholders was supposed to come through Ms Mayer engineering a revival of Yahoo’s tired brand, repurposing it for the mobile age and launching a host of cool new apps. Yet while there has been activity a plenty, there is little of value to show for it. Fast forward to the present and Yahoo’s core internet business is still declining. Revenues are down by 9 per cent since 2012, and the company is once again leaking talented staff.
A rising share price — the product of dramatic growth in the value of Yahoo’s stake in the Chinese internet firm Alibaba — cannot conceal the malaise afflicting the underlying business. Indeed, sum-of-the-parts analyses tend to suggest that Ms Mayer’s activities have come at a heavy net cost to Yahoo’s shareholders.
Back out the value of the Alibaba stake, a minority shareholding in Yahoo Japan, and some cash and securities, and the core business is notionally valued at a negative $14bn — down more than $20bn from the $7bn-odd it was worth on the same basis when she was appointed. The brutal maths may also explain why Ms Mayer is flogging many of the shares she receives under her contract almost at the moment of vesting. According to the Equilar database she has sold stock worth some $50m to date.
除去阿里巴巴股份的价值、在日本雅虎(Yahoo Japan)所持的少数股份以及一些现金和证券,其核心业务的名义价值为负140亿美元——比梅尔上任时的70多亿美元减少了逾200亿美元。这道残酷的算术题或许也解释了梅尔为何刚拿到按合同规定应得的公司股票后便大量出售。根据Equilar的数据,她迄今已经出售了价值5000万美元左右的股票。
As the public temperature rises about Yahoo’s future, outsiders have predictably rounded on Ms Mayer, blaming her for the company’s poor performance. She has been accused of arrogance, waste and poor management. The real fault however lies with Yahoo’s board.
It was always a dicey strategy, bringing in a star manager to attempt a complete corporate reboot. These things rarely come off — especially in Silicon Valley. It is not easy to behave like a footloose start up when you also have billions of dollars in legacy income to nurture. In any case, if there is a brilliant idea out there, a venture capitalist will most likely get to it first.
But the board also compounded the risk by the deal it struck with Ms Mayer. This was not simply extraordinarily lavish. It was also largely unconnected to the value of the core business she was managing. All of the $13bn increase in the group’s market value since 2012 has come from its ownership of minority stakes in other businesses — not least the shareholding in Alibaba. Ms Mayer has benefited richly therefore, even as she has done little to revive Yahoo’s own internet business.
Yahoo would have done better had it heeded Mr Buffett and adopted a more modest course. Silicon Valley is dotted with companies like Yahoo, no longer at the forefront of events but still possessed of sizeable audiences. By cutting out expensive innovation, declining search engines such as Ask.com jog on quietly turning a profit. With its still large audience and $4bn in annual revenue, Yahoo could have done the same.
Having bet the company’s future on the hope that Ms Mayer was some sort of latter day Steve Jobs, Yahoo now faces some hard decisions. The best way forward is to embrace the inevitable break up of the group’s structure.
由于将公司的未来寄希望于梅尔成为第二个史蒂夫吠布斯(Steve Jobs),雅虎如今面临着一些艰难的抉择。最好的出路是进行看来不可避免的资产分拆。
True, a shrunken Yahoo comprised mainly of its core business would not obviously have the resources to attract a capitalist with the appetites of Ms Mayer. But that is far from a disaster. Yahoo needs to curb the habits it developed under its famous boss for spending richly on acquisitions, wages and product development. Instead, it needs to focus on wringing the most cash from its existing assets. Headcount and wage costs need to fall fast.
There is a moral here for other mature tech companies. Don’t reach for the Steve Jobs solution; the idea that rebirth is just one superstar manager away. While it may produce a short-term price bump, the cost of such individuals is rarely justified by the results they deliver. Much better to do the simple things: stick to the knitting, cut costs, and live to fight another day