In Ridley Scott's science fiction drama "The Martian", Matt Damon plays a botanist who discovers how to grow potatoes on the Red Planet.
NASA and the Peru-based International Potato Centre (CIP) will start cultivating potatoes in Mars-like conditions on Earth, with the hope of eventually building a controlled dome on Mars capable of farming the ancient crop.
The team will replicate Martian atmospheric conditions in a laboratory, using soil from Peru's Pampas de La Joya desert —reportedly nearly identical to that found on the Red Planet.
这一团队将在地球的实验室中模拟火星的大气条件,使用来自秘鲁Pampas de La Joya沙漠的一种土壤,这种土壤据称几乎与火星上发现的土壤完全相同。
"The increased levels of carbon dioxide will benefit the crop, whose yield is two to four times that of a regular grain crop under normal Earth conditions. The Martian atmosphere is near 95 percent carbon dioxide," CIP explained in a recent press release.
By understanding atmospheric changes on the surface of Mars, the team hopes it will help build more dynamic and accurate simulation centers on Earth. If successful, the experiment could see CIP and NASA pioneer space farming for future manned missions to not just Mars, but other planets and moons in the solar system.