Fosun International, the Chinese conglomerate whose chairman was detained this month in connection with an unspecified investigation, announced it would withdraw its bid for BHF Kleinwort Benson, the London merchant bank.
中国企业集团复星国际(Fosun International)宣布将取消收购伦敦私人银行BHF Kleinwort Benson的计划。复星董事长郭广昌本月曾因牵涉到一起内容不详的调查而被拘留。
Fosun, one of China’s most aggressively acquisitive private companies, said in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange on Sunday night that it was withdrawing its 5.10 per share takeover offer for the bank, made in July. Oddo & Cie, the French private bank, intervened late in November with an offer of 5.75 per share.
复星在周日晚间向香港证交所提交的一份声明中表示,将撤回今年7月发出的以每股5.10欧元收购BHF Kleinwort Benson的要约。11月,法国私人银行Oddo & Cie加入竞购,报价每股5.75欧元。复星是收购意愿最为强烈的中国民营企业之一。
The four-day disappearance earlier this month of Guo Guangchang, Fosun chairman, has shaken overseas confidence in the company’s ability to provide access to the Chinese market. It is not clear whether Fosun will hold on to its 30 per cent stake in Kleinwort Benson or sell to Oddo. Fosun declined to comment.
本月早些时候,复星董事长郭广昌曾失联4天,这动摇了海外人士对该公司提供进入中国市场渠道的能力的信心。目前还不清楚,复星是将继续持有其在BHF Kleinwort Benson的30%股权,还是会出售给Oddo。复星拒绝置评。
Mr Guo went incommunicado on December 10 and the company later said he was assisting with a judicial investigation. The most prominent private businessmen so far caught up in China’s anti-corruption and anti-graft drive, Mr Guo is now on an overseas trip that has so far taken him to New York. He is expected to attend a performance of Cirque du Soleil, the entertainment company in which Fosun owns a 25 per cent stake, in Montreal on Monday.
12月10日,郭广昌失联。复星随后表示,他正协助一桩司法调查。郭广昌是迄今卷入中国反腐运动的最知名民营企业家,他现在正远赴纽约出差。预计他将于周一在蒙特利尔观看娱乐公司太阳马戏团(Cirque du Soleil)的一场演出,复星持有该公司25%股权。