5.Best snow for skiing - Canada
For those looking to head to the slopes and enjoy some skiing, the resort that received the most snow in the world was Mt Washington BC in Canada.
Ski-adventure-guide.com listed the resort's annual snowfall is 383 inches.
However many also tout Japan as being the best country for snow, due to its mountainous elevation and proximity to cold air from northeast Asia.
6.Best humidity - Cyprus
Air humidity may not be top of the list to monitor when you are away, but long exposure to extreme conditions and you could be left with dry hair and skin.
While cities in south and southeast Asia are among the most humid, several island nations in Europe provide optimum conditions.
Cyprus is a good example of this as its sea location provides welcomed cool breezes for holidaymakers.
7.Least rainy - Chile (Arica)
For those who are really looking to avoid any kind of rain, your best bet is to head to Arica in Chile.
The area has the lowest average rainfall of any city worldwide at just 0.03 inches per year.
Most specifically, the driest part of the country is the Atacama Desert. A few areas get as little as 1mm and some weather stations have never had any at all.
具体来讲,智利最干燥的地区是阿塔卡马沙漠(Atacama Desert)。它有几处地方的年均降水只有一毫米,甚至有些气象站从未监测到任何降雨。
8.Most tropical - Brazil
Perhaps you are looking to jet away for a tropical break, in which case you can do no better than to head to the largest rain forest on the planet.
Almost 60 per cent of Brazil is covered by vibrant rain forest.
Not only this but the Amazon is home to approximately 1,700 bird species, 695 amphibian species, 578 mammal species and 651 reptile species so it's worth taking your camera with you.