Like men, about half of all women play video games. But men are far more likely to call themselves “gamers.”
That’s according to a new Pew Research Center survey that found 48 percent of women play video games, just shy of the 50 percent of men who play. The gamer identity was far less attractive to women, however, with 6 percent of them adopting the label compared with 15 percent of men.
皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)新近的一项调查发现,48%的女性玩电子游戏,仅略低于男性50%的比例。然而在女性看来,“游戏玩家”这个身份的吸引力却远远更低,只有6%的女性接受这个标签,相比之下男性中的比例为15%。
Video game experts said it was no surprise that women are shunning an association with gaming culture as the community of hard-core players has become increasingly identified with sexist attitudes among its fringe members.
“Having a label of gamer is not just about being geeky,” said Rosalind Wiseman, an author who has studied gaming attitudes among young people. “It also has spilled over unfortunately into a really negative connotation of people who are just really angry and intolerant of other people.”
“被打上‘玩家’的标签不仅代表着像个‘极客’(geek),”罗莎琳·怀斯曼(Rosalind Wiseman)说。“很遗憾,这个词的涵义延伸了,带有了一种相当负面的意味,即那些十分易怒、完全不能容忍别人的人。”怀斯曼研究过年轻人对游戏的态度,并有著作出版。
She added that the reputation “is really not representative of a lot of people who play games.”
The stigma gained currency last year with so-called GamerGate, an online campaign to discredit critics of sexism in video games and gaming culture. As harassment veered into threats of violence and rape, the controversy drew news media attention, and set off debates over how bad misogyny in gaming had become.
Other unwritten codes about what qualifies a person for membership in the gaming community have helped to raise the bar to entry: Casual playing, for instance, doesn’t count, and you must play games that are sufficiently intricate, strategic and difficult.
Jamin Warren, founder of the video game arts and culture company Kill Screen, said the reason many hard-core gamers cling to a restrictive definition of the word can be explained by “classic in-group favoritism.”
电子游戏艺术和文化公司“谋杀屏幕”(Kill Screen)的创始人加民·沃伦(Jamin Warren)说,许多硬核玩家执着于这个词语的狭隘定义,这可以用“典型的内群体偏向”来解释。
As video games have become more a part of the cultural mainstream in recent years, Mr. Warren said, “the protectiveness of the term has only heightened.”
Ms. Wiseman, who studied gaming habits among middle- and high school-aged people, said girls face elevated scrutiny over their gaming skills. They describe harrowing experiences in web-based multiplayer games where participants talk through headsets. When a girl’s voice chimes in, the reaction from other players often follows a certain script.
“It’s something about they’re a slut, they’re fat, they’re ugly, or they are bad at the game,” she said.
As a result, girls will often mute their voices.
Some in the gaming community have proposed a shift in the meaning of gamer to be akin to cinephile, a person with a deep knowledge and appreciation of the whole medium. Others have argued that the definition should be broad and, in particular, reflect the wide array of people who play.
“Marginalized groups have always engaged in gaming,” Kishonna Gray, director of the Critical Gaming Lab at Eastern Kentucky University, said in an email. “They just haven’t been acknowledged by gaming culture yet and they really aren’t catered to.”
“边缘化的群体一直都热衷于电子游戏,”东肯塔基大学(Eastern Kentucky University)游戏批评实验室(Critical Gaming Lab)主任基淑娜·格雷(Kishonna Gray)在电子邮件中说。“只是他们还没有得到游戏文化的承认,其需求也还无人满足。”
The Pew survey, which was conducted this summer among a sample of about 2,000 adults, found that young men play games far more than other groups, with 77 percent of 18- to 29-year-old men saying they play, and 57 percent of young women.
With older Americans, the pattern flips: Over the age of 50, women are more likely to play video games, with 38 percent saying they play, compared with 29 percent of men.
Society at large seems to remain apprehensive about the benefits of video games. Forty percent of respondents to the Pew survey said people who play violent games are more likely to be violent themselves, while 26 percent said video games are simply a waste of time.
The survey did not make distinctions among players of console games, PC games, online games or mobile games.