郭广昌消失事件的启示 In China wealth comes with a health warning
日期:2015-12-18 14:22


“People asked why I am not worried. You have to believe that as long as you have made no mistake, the government will not mess with you.. I have been good, why would the government want to target me?”


Guo Guangchang, chairman of Shanghai-based conglomerate Fosun International — known as China’s Warren Buffett — penned these words last year in a Guide-to-getting-rich-in-China-without-ending-up-in-jail. He has just been released after four days “assisting” police with an investigation into — no one quite knows what. No one knows where he was, or why he was allowed to leave (or what it was all about anyway). It seems the government found a way to “mess” with him after all.

这是郭广昌去年在一篇指导人们如何在中国致富而不用最终进监狱的文章里写下的话。总部位于上海的集团企业复星国际(Fosun International)的董事长郭广昌被称为中国的沃伦巴菲特(Warren Buffett),他被警方带走“协助”调查了4天,刚刚被释放——没人确切地知道调查什么。没有人知道那几天他在哪里,或者为何被释放(或者整件事到底是怎么一回事)。中国政府似乎终究还是设法“整了”他。

We all know that wealth in China comes with a health warning. But Mr Guo, the modest chairman and co-founder of one of China’s most prominent companies, thought he had the secret antidote: right living. He is known to believe in keeping close to politics — but far from politicians. He practises the Asian martial art of tai chi, even during business meetings. He is a devout believer in the virtues of eastern philosophy. But it seems being “good” just wasn’t good enough.


  • antidoten. 解毒剂,解药 n. (喻)矫正方法
  • conglomerateadj. 密集而固结的,成簇的 n. 联合企业,密集体,
  • devoutadj. 虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • martialadj. 军事的,战争的
  • modestadj. 谦虚的,适度的,端庄的