William Lindesay, 59, has written five books on the Great Wall of China. His most recent, “The Great Wall in 50 Objects,” has just been published by Penguin China, and it will be released in Britain and the United States next year. In an interview, Mr. Lindesay, a native of Wallasey, England, discussed a bronze warrior’s face, a recalcitrant curator at the Vatican Museums and how he first got interested in the wall.
59岁的威廉·林赛(William Lindesay)写过五本关于中国长城的书籍。企鹅图书中国(Penguin China)刚刚出版了他的新书《虚拟长城展:50件长城文物》(The Great Wall in 50 Objects),该书将于明年在英国和美国发布。林赛在英国沃拉西出生长大,他在采访中谈到了一块青铜的士兵面部塑像,梵蒂冈博物馆一位难以对付的策展人,以及他最初是如何对长城发生兴趣的。
Q. You’ve been living in China for 30 years. What got you interested?
A. My first headmaster, who was a church minister, said we should have three books at our bedsides: a Bible, a prayer book and an atlas. I vividly recall seeing in the “Oxford School Atlas” the Great Wall with its battlement symbol. From that moment, I had in my mind that when I grew up I’d go to China and walk along the Great Wall from end to end.
答:我上学时的第一位校长是个牧师,他说我们床头应该摆放三本书:《圣经》、祈祷书和地图册。我清楚地记得我在《牛津学生地图册》(Oxford School Atlas)中看到了长城的雉堞线。从那刻起,我就萌生了长大后要去中国,沿着长城从一端走到另一端的想法。
Like most childhood dreams, that was almost forgotten. But then in my 20s, my brother suggested running the length of Hadrian’s Wall, from Newcastle to Carlisle. During a break, he turned to me and said, “Hey, Will, you should go to China and do the wall!” It was 1984, China was open, there were stories about China in the press. China was on the map, but kind of the great unknown. I thought, well, I am not going to have this chance again. I had no loves or loans to hold me back. I was in good shape — a two-hour, 39-minute marathoner — so I set off.
就像大部分儿时梦想一样,这个想法也几乎被淡忘了。但在我20多岁的时候,我的兄弟提议沿着哈德良长城(Hadrian’s Wall)从纽卡斯尔跑到卡莱尔。途中休息期间,他转过头来对我说,“威廉,你应该去中国走一遍长城!”那是1984年,中国已经对外开放。媒体有报道中国的故事。从地图上也能看到中国,但中国对我来说是一个巨大的未知数。我想,好吧,我以后不会有这样的机会了。我没有恋人或贷款的牵绊,我状态很好——跑马拉松花了2小时39分钟,所以我就出发了。
Q. You’d written four books already on the Great Wall. Why another?
A. Thus far I’ve studied the wall by looking at its grand remains, the ruins. You see ruins. You see things are missing, but what and where? Naturally, I visited museums and saw many relics behind glass. Many of the objects just had a name and a date and a place where they were found. Sometimes they would have a tantalizing label like “an important relic for understanding life on the Han dynasty Great Wall,” but they didn’t explain why. So I thought, I’ll have to do that one day. I want to let these objects speak. I also saw objects in Mongolia, realizing that, although the Great Wall as a building is Chinese, as a story it has two sides.
Q. You make a point of telling the nomads’ side of the story, too.
A. I went to Mongolia in 2011 and realized that for 20 years I had largely studied the wall from just the Chinese side. I was Sinocentric. I visited a private museum there and saw a tiny, yet amazing, bronze belt decoration depicting a Xiongnu warrior’s face, which is Object 3 in the book. These were the people who had attacked the Han dynasty [206 B.C.-220 A.D.] for centuries, but this was the first time I’d seen a representation of what one looked like. This object humanized them.
Q. Your method of focusing on objects reminds me of the podcasts and book published by Neil MacGregor of the British Museum, “A History of the World in 100 Objects.”
问:你这种关注文物的做法,让我想起了大英博物馆的尼尔·麦格雷戈(Neil MacGregor)推出的播客和他出版的《大英博物馆世界简史》(A History of the World in 100 Objects)。
A. I’m a great fan of his. He’s a fantastic interpreter of history. Out of the millions of objects in the British Museum, he chose 100 and enthralled people around the world. He showed objects that seem unrelated, but which have so many connections. He showed that the formula worked. But only when you try to do it yourself do you realize how much hard work it is!
Q. You order your objects chronologically, but start with eight that give an overview.
A. I started out with objects to illustrate how Europeans first heard about the wall, and how Chinese did. For foreigners, it was through maps. For the Chinese, it was through the heartbreaking legend of Meng Jiangnu, whose tears of mourning for her husband, a wall builder, caused the fortification to collapse.
Also, in the opening group of objects I introduced two of the most common building materials. In the west of China I showed that water was a key building material as evidenced by the plethora of broken water pots. Every museum has rooms of pots you have to go through before you get to the gold and jade, but actually pots tell you a hell of a lot.
Q. What was the most challenging section of the book?
A. I have a section called “Intrusions.’’ This is the middle period of the Great Wall’s 2,300-yearlong story, after the collapse of the Han dynasty and before the rise of the Ming [1368-1644] and its famous wall. I learned a lot, such as why the Tang [dynasty, 618-907] didn’t build a wall. This is often considered China’s “golden era.” I chose a gorgeous triglazed camel figurine carrying a small group of foreign musicians to illustrate the prosperous trade on the Silk Road, which brought in the taxation to fund alternatives to ultracostly walls, namely pacification policies and military offensives.
Q. I note that the heart of your book centers on the Ming Great Wall.
A. Yes, Objects 27 to 41 cover the Ming. Most people who come to China see the Ming wall, typically the brick-and-stone “dragon” snaking through the mountains north of Beijing. That’s the core, the zenith of the story.
Q. Were all the museums you approached helpful?
A. Museums in Mongolia were most helpful. When I started, my rule was to be able to see each object, and examine it up close. They allowed that. They’d take the plate glass off the display case with suction pads and lift the object out and take it to the office and let me look at it. The national museum’s curator said the only thing we haven’t got here is live horses, but you must include this in your 50 objects. Without the Mongolian horse, he said, there would be no nomads attacking China, no cavalry, no means of conquering. I included it as a “living antiquity.’’
Q. Which museum was the least cooperative?
A. I was very keen to include a 7-meter-long [23 feet] map that was in the Vatican Museums, listed there as the Borgia Great Wall Scroll and dating from circa 1695. I wrote to them, but they didn’t reply. I wrote in Italian, but still no reply. I went there, but not at the right time. It had been sent overseas on loan for the first time.
答:我非常渴望把梵蒂冈博物馆(Vatican Museums)一幅七米长的地图收录进来。那幅地图被该博物馆命名为《波吉亚长城古卷》(Borgia Great Wall Scroll),可追溯至大约1695年。我写信给他们,但对方没回信。我又用意大利语写,还是没收到回信。我亲自去了,但时间又不对。那幅地图首次被借到外国去了。
I later saw the museum was soliciting money to conserve it, and asking for donors. So I raised the money, $25,000, and offered to help. I was astonished when they told me that another group had pledged to fund the map’s repair. Never giving up, I wrote again to the curator — who finally gave me a reply, but a rather nasty and unfriendly one. He didn’t want to let any outsider in, least of all one who is considered a friend of China, as I am, for the conservation contributions I have made to the Great Wall.
Museums are the best classrooms for knowledge and education, but some curators are like prison wardens, holding the keys, keeping the antiquities imprisoned, not allowing visitors, trying to keep people out.