As they work quietly in their cubicles, Sitronix’s casually dressed engineers do not appear obvious national security assets.
But they are treated as such by the Taiwanese government, which has long forbidden investment by mainland Chinese companies in semiconductor design companies such as Sitronix, which dream up chips for display panels in smartphones and cars.
This ban is intended to stop vital intellectual property leaking away to the mainland — and undermining a $70bn semiconductor industry that dominates Taiwan’s electronics sector, which produces 40 per cent of the island’s exports.
In the 1980s, Taiwan pioneered a new model of chip production, in which each stage is executed by a different company — unlike the integrated model used by producers such as Intel and Samsung Electronics.
上世纪80年代,台湾开创了一种新的芯片生产模式,其中每个环节都由不同的公司完成——不同于英特尔(Intel)、三星电子(Samsung Electronics)等芯片生产商所使用的集成模式。
This “disaggregated” system has steadily grown to account for a quarter of global production last year, according to analysts at Bernstein. And Taiwanese companies continue to play a big role in all three main stages in this system: design, foundry (or manufacture), and assembly and testing.
However, many of the sector’s leaders hope for a change in policy that would enable them to tap rich sources of funding and build lucrative relationships in the Chinese market.
“We welcome investors from China — it’s no problem,” says Vincent Mao, Sitronix’s chief executive, suggesting that his company might gain Chinese tax advantages if it received mainland investment. “Money is money, right?”
“我们欢迎来自中国大陆的投资者,这没问题,”矽创电子执行长毛颖文(Vincent Mao)说,暗示如果能得到大陆的投资,自己的公司可能会获得大陆的税收优惠。“在商言商,不是吗?”
Growing debate over Chinese investment in semiconductor companies reflects the broader dilemma faced by Taiwan, which remains in political deadlock with the People’s Republic but relies on it for 30 per cent of its trade.
The issue gained sudden urgency in June 2014, when Beijing rolled out a new semiconductor strategy. This entailed investing up to Rmb1tn ($156bn) over five to 10 years, to cut a reliance on imports for more than 90 per cent of national supply. China spent $241bn buying in semiconductors last year — more than on any other product, beating the $228bn it spent on oil.
Although Taiwanese semiconductor executives consider their Chinese peers well behind on technology, the scale of Beijing’s plans has prompted some to call for embracing the wave of investment, to avoid being crushed by it.
“No matter what — at the end, [the Chinese] can do it by themselves,” says Pua Khein-Seng, chief executive of Phison, which designs chips that control flash memory drives. “So, before they are ready, we’d do better to join them.”
“不论如何——最终,(大陆人)都能够实现自主制造,”群联电子(Phison)董事长潘健成(Pua Khein-Seng)说,“因此,在他们准备好之前,我们最好加入他们。”群联电子主要设计控制闪存驱动器的芯片。
Advocates of this stance gained some encouragement last month when John Deng, Taiwan’s minister of economic affairs, said the government wanted to lift the ban on mainland investment in semiconductor designers before the end of its term in May. Opinion polls suggest that January’s presidential election is likely to bring a victory for Tsai Ing-wen of the liberal Democratic Progressive party, which tends to be more sceptical of closer ties with Beijing than the ruling Kuomintang.
这一立场的支持者上个月得到了些许鼓励——台湾经济部部长邓振中(John Deng)称,政府希望在明年5月任期结束前,解除对大陆投资入股岛内半导体设计商的禁令。民调显示,民进党(DPP)的蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)很可能在明年1月的总统大选中获胜,比起现在执政的国民党(Kuomintang),民进党对与北京方面建立更密切关系持更加怀疑的态度。
Mr Deng, though, presented the move as inevitable, saying that the industry could lose competitiveness without Chinese investment — and noting Taiwan’s sluggish economic growth, which turned negative in the third quarter for the first time since 2009.
But his words had followed aggressive public lobbying from Chinese semiconductor group Tsinghua Unigroup, controlled by the state through Beijing’s Tsinghua University, which is at the forefront of the new national chip strategy. In June, it had mooted a $23bn takeover of US chipmaker Micron.
但在他发表上述言论之前,由清华大学(Tsinghua University)控股的中国国有半导体集团——紫光集团(Tsinghua Unigroup)已经开始了强大的公开游说。该集团是中国新国家芯片战略的前锋。今年6月,紫光集团曾提出以230亿美元收购美国芯片制造商美光科技(Micron)。
Last month, Zhao Weiguo, Unigroup’s chairman, said he would be interested in investing in MediaTek, Taiwan’s biggest chip designer, if the law were changed to allow it. A few days earlier, he had urged the Chinese government to lobby Taiwan to end the investment block, and suggested a ban on Taiwanese semiconductor imports if these efforts failed.
David Ku, MediaTek’s chief financial officer, believes his company and other Taiwanese chipmakers could better compete with western peers by teaming up with Chinese partners, through investment or mergers. “The government should reconsider and open up,” he says.
联发科账务长顾大为(David Ku)认为,如果能与大陆伙伴通过投资或并购进行合作,联发科与其他台湾芯片制造商将能更好地与西方同行竞争。“政府应再考虑考虑,开放投资,”他说。
Mark Li, an analyst at Bernstein, says an end to the investment ban would address the inconsistency of a rule that applies differently to the three types of chip company. It forbids investment in chip designers but not in chip foundries such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, or chip packaging companies.
伯恩斯坦分析师Mark Li称,投资禁令使得3种不同类型的芯片企业受到区别对待,解除禁令将解决这种规则的不一致性——禁止大陆投资入股芯片设计商,但却不禁止大陆投资入股台积电(TSMC)等芯片代工企业、或芯片封装企业。
“The argument is that design companies have more intellectual property, but that’s not quite true,” he says. “I’d argue that TSMC has higher technology content than MediaTek.”
Even though mainland Chinese companies are technically allowed to take minority stakes in the non-design semiconductor companies, there have been no examples of this happening. Bough Lin, chairman of Taiwanese chip packaging company Siliconware Precision Industries, suggests this is because the Chinese anticipate obstruction from Taipei’s regulators.
虽然理论上大陆企业可持有台湾非设计类半导体企业的少数股权,但还没有企业这样做。台湾芯片封装企业——矽品精密工業股份有限公司(SPIL)董事长林文伯(Bough Lin)认为,原因在于大陆企业预估会受到台北监管机构的阻挠。
A test of the regulators’ stance will come with a ruling on Unigroup’s proposed $600m acquisition of a 25 per cent stake in Powertech, a Taiwanese group which packages and tests chips. Approval would give a powerful signal of openness to Chinese companies — albeit one which might provoke domestic controversy and could be reversed by the new government.
紫光集团已提议以6亿美元收购台湾芯片封装与测试企业——力成科技(Powertech) 25%股份,台湾监管机构对这一拟议交易的裁决结果,将检验其持有何种立场。批准该协议将向大陆企业发出强烈的开放信号——尽管这可能引发岛内争议,或者被新政府推翻。
“I don’t think it’s going to be easy — certainly [the government] would be attacked,” says Jordan Wu, chief executive of display chip designer Himax.
“我不认为这会一帆风顺——(政府)肯定会受到攻击,”显示器芯片设计商奇景光电(Himax)执行长吴炳昌(Jordan Wu)表示。
He adds that the technological barriers facing Chinese semiconductor companies remain stern. “They have tried to copy our [chips] for the past 15 years and haven’t got anywhere. Their biggest problem is that the Chinese customers won’t use them.”
Chip packagers face tough choices
As Taiwan debates ever-closer economic ties with mainland China, an awkward stand-off between two of its leading semiconductor groups presents the dilemma in microcosm.
Taiwan holds about half the global market share for semiconductor assembly and testing — the final stage of the manufacturing process, in which fragile chips are packaged into usable form and tested for defects. Most of this market share is accounted for by ASE Group and Siliconware Precision Industries (SPIL), which have NT$340bn ($10bn) in sales between them.
半导体封装与测试是芯片制造流程的最后一个环节,负责将易碎的芯片封装成可用的成品,并检测产品有无缺陷。在封装测试业,台湾占有全球约一半的市场份额,其中大部分份额属于日月光集团(ASE Group)和矽品这两家公司,它们的合计销售额达到3400亿元新台币(合100亿美元)。
But strong competition is emerging from China, where Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology this year acquired domestic rival STATS ChipPAC, to create a chip packaging group that rivals SPIL for third place in the world market.
但是,来自中国大陆的劲敌正在出现——今年收购国内竞争对手星科金朋(STATS ChipPAC)之后,江苏长电科技(Changjiang ElectronicsTechnology)已有能力与矽品争夺全球市场第三的位置。
Tien Wu, ASE’s chief operating officer, believes that Taiwanese semiconductor companies must band together to combat China’s ambitious state-led investment plans by creating economies of scale that will keep their innovation at the cutting edge. In August, his company announced a tender offer for slightly less than 25 per cent of SPIL’s shares — sparking speculation about a takeover attempt, although ASE called it a passive investment.
日月光运营长吴田玉(Tien Wu)认为,台湾半导体企业必须联合起来,通过创造规模经济、让企业创新保持在最前沿,来应对大陆由政府主导的、雄心勃勃的投资计划。今年8月,日月光宣布了一项针对矽品略低于25%的股份的收购要约——引发了市场猜测日月光是否试图收购矽品,尽管日月光称这只是一项被动投资。
SPIL responded a week later by agreeing a share swap with electronics assembly company Hon Hai Precision, which would have made the latter its largest shareholder. But this deal, which implied a discount to SPIL’s market share price, was voted down by shareholders.
一周后,矽品做出回应,同意与电子产品装配企业鸿海精密(Hon Hai Precision)进行换股,此举本可让后者成为矽品最大股东。但这笔换股价格为折价的交易,遭到了矽品股东的投票否决。
As a result, SPIL now has its main competitor as its largest shareholder. Mr Wu says ASE has sent “a clear signal that we’re willing to pay cash, with a premium, to start a dialogue of collaboration.” He adds: “We do need SPIL management’s agreement … a forced merger doesn’t work.”
That agreement is not forthcoming. Bough Lin, SPIL’s chairman, says his company will need new funding if it is to expand its capacity in China, and his preference is do this with the assistance of a Chinese company such as Tsinghua Unigroup.
Combining with ASE is less appealing, he says. “There are no benefits from merging the two companies — 85 per cent of our customers are the same, and they say they don’t want to see us merged together,” he explains, warning that many would divert business elsewhere to ensure a diversified supply chain.
This argument is endorsed by Pua Khein-Seng, chief executive of chip designer Phison, a customer of both companies. “In business, you need a second source,” he says. “[A merger] will kill SPIL. One plus one will be only 1.2 or 1.4.”
Analysts at HSBC agree that the merger would benefit competitors such as Amkor of the US — the world’s number two chip packaging company. Amkor’s chief executive recently said that mergers among peers were “unequivocally a good thing” for his business.