经典科幻文学:《基本上无害 Mostly Harmless》 第15章9
日期:2015-12-16 13:39


‘Explain to me again,’ said Random.


‘There’s nothing really to it,’ said Arthur. ‘Clockwork was something that developed over hundreds of years…’


‘Earth years.’


‘Yes. It became finer and finer and more and more intricate. It was highly skilled and delicate work. It had to be made very small, and it had to carry on working accurately however much you waved it around or dropped it.’


‘But only on one planet?’


‘Well, that was where it was made, you see. It was never expected to go anywhere else and deal with different suns and moons and magnetic fields and things. I mean the thing still goes perfectly well, but it doesn’t really mean much this far from Switzerland.’


‘From where?’


‘Switzerland. That’s where these were made. Small hilly country. Tiresomely neat. The people who made them didn’t really know there were other worlds.’


‘Quite a big thing not to know.’


‘Well, yes.’


‘So where did they come from?’


‘They, that is we… we just sort of grew there. We evolved on the Earth. From, I don’t know, some kind of sludge or something.’


‘Like this watch.’


‘Um. I don’t think the watch grew out of sludge.’


‘You don’t understand!’


Random suddenly leaped to her feet, shouting. ‘You don’t understand! You don’t understand me, you don’t understand anything! I hate you for being so stupid!’


She started to run hectically down the hill, still clutching the watch and shouting that she hated him.


Arthur jumped up, startled and at a loss. He started to run after her through the stringy and clumpy grass. It was hard and painful for him. When he had broken his leg in the crash, it had not been a clean break, and it had not healed cleanly. He was stumbling and wincing as he ran.


  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • delicaten. 精美的东西 adj. 精美的,微妙的,美味的,纤细
  • planetn. 行星
  • magneticadj. 有磁性的,有吸引力的,催眠术的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • accuratelyadj. 准确地 adv. 精确地,准确地
  • intricateadj. 复杂的,难懂的