Grand gestures don't always go over the way you hope they will.
The CEO of the world's largest social network has promised to donate potentially billions of dollars to worthy causes and companies. It didn't take long, however, before he felt compelled to defend his decision on how to set up his new philanthropic endeavor.
On Tuesday, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, said they plan to establish the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which will receive 99 percent of the CEO's Facebook shares, currently worth about $45 billion. In a rather unconventional move.
That decision has some people questioning his motives, as noted in the headline of a commentary in The New York Times: "How Mark Zuckerberg's Altruism Helps Himself."
Zuckerberg is one of a number of tech moguls who have pledged hefty portions of their wealth for charitable purposes. Billionaires such as Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates typically have set up their charitable endeavors as traditional nonprofits. Some have started using LLCs instead, but such a move can raise red flags.
扎克伯格是众多科技大亨中将资产的大部分捐助做慈善的其中一员。亿万富翁如谷歌创始人Larry Page 和Sergey Brin,还有微软创始人比尔·盖茨都将慈善捐款用于传统的非盈利组织。而一些人则将慈善捐款用于有限责任公司,这样的举措很有可能遭到警示。
Unlike a nonprofit organization, an LLC more closely resembles a corporation in that it can generate profits and offer certain tax benefits. It also would impose fewer restrictions and obligations on how Zuckerberg and Chan could distribute money than if they were to set up a regular nonprofit foundation. They could donate to political organizations and for-profit entities as well as charities. Some critics also claim an LLC would allow the couple to avoid paying taxes.
In a Facebook post published Thursday, Zuckerberg explained how the tax structure would work for the new initiative, which he said plans initially to focus on "personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities"
Zuckerberg also emphasized the ability to donate to groups and causes no matter how they're structured.