BEIJING — What if “womanwomanwoman” were the English word for rape, defilement, adultery?
That is roughly how the Chinese character “jian,” or 姦, translates, as it is made up of three characters for “woman,” 女.
(In mainland China, the character 姦 was simplified to 奸 after the 1949 Communist revolution as an aid to literacy, but the three-woman version is still standard in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas Chinese communities, and widely recognized on the mainland.)
Troubled by the word’s gender associations, curators made it the symbol of an art exhibition that had been scheduled to open in Beijing on Nov. 25, the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
出于对这个字的性别关联的不安,一个艺术展的策展人把该字作为展览的主题,这个艺术展原定于11月25日的联合国国际消除对妇女和女童暴力日(International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women)在北京开幕。
The exhibition, “Jian, Rape: Gender Violence Cultural Codes,” was to have run until Dec. 10, Human Rights Day, signaling 16 days of global activism against gender violence with the hashtag #orangetheworld.
题为《姦:性别暴力伤害的文化符号》的艺术展原定要持续到12月10日的国际人权日(Human Rights Day),是为期16天的抵制性别暴力全球行动的一部分,该行动在网上使用#orangetheworld井号标签。
The exhibition was canceled.
But curators, feminists and commentators say there is a pressing need for more awareness in China of the gender prejudices woven into the language.
“Why did one woman become three, and such a symbol of political and moral imagination and an object of enmity in traditional Chinese society and political theory?” asked Tong Yujie, the academic convener of the canceled exhibition, in an essay prepared for the show.
As evidence, Ms. Tong offered examples from ancient Chinese history and political texts:
In the “Zuo Zhuan,” or “Commentary of Zuo,” dating from the fourth century B.C., “jian” is used to mean “evil”: “To cast away what is virtuous and give honor to what is evil is the greatest of calamities.”
In the “Guoyu,” or “Discourse of States,” from the same period, a “jian” is a traitor: “Rebels inside the country are scoundrels, while those outside the country are traitors.”
在同期的《国语》中,“姦”的意思是叛徒: “亂在內為宄,在外為姦。”
Gender is written into all languages, but it is especially striking in Chinese because of the visual nature of the language, said David Moser, a linguist and the academic director of CET Beijing Chinese Studies at Capital Normal University.
汉语言学专家、首都师范大学CET对外汉语学习项目的负责人莫大伟(David Moser)说,所有的语言中都写进了性别,但由于中文的视觉特性,它在中文中特别引人注目。
“In everyday language, how many Chinese speakers are aware that, in every set phrase with male-female gender reference, the male always comes first?” he said in an email.
“A married couple is 一对夫妇, a husband and wife. Your parents are your 父母, father and mother, never 母父, or mother and father. Even a phrase like 男女老少, meaning everyone, literally ‘men, women, old and young,’ subconsciously reinforces a supposedly ‘natural’ hierarchy — men over women, old over young,” Mr. Moser said.
“比如‘一对夫妇’是丈夫和妻子,‘父母’是妈妈和爸爸,人们从来不会说‘母父’。甚至像‘男女老少’这种意识是所有人的短语,也下意识地强化了所谓的‘自然’的等级结构——男在女之前,老在少之前,” 莫大伟说。
In Chinese, tradition weighs heavily, with a language capable of great beauty and subtlety also offering enduring discrimination.
“Reversing the order isn’t perceived as just a polarity flip in the interest of equality,” Mr. Moser said. “It would be simply perceived as ‘wrong,’ by most Chinese people.”
“如果把它们顺序反转,人们不觉得这仅仅是为了平等的缘故进行的倒装,”莫大伟说。“大多数中国人都会直接将其视为 ‘错误’。”