RAF Tornado jets have carried out their first air strikes against the self-styled Islamic State in Syria, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.
Four Tornados from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus took part in the operation soon after MPs voted to approve bombing. The "successful" strikes hit the IS-controlled Omar oil fields in eastern Syria, the defence secretary said.
But the PM cautioned that campaign would take time, saying "we're going to need to be patient and persistent". "It is complex and it is difficult what we are asking our pilots to do, and our thoughts should be with them and their families as they commence this important work," David Cameron said.
MPs overwhelmingly backed UK military action against IS - also known as Daesh - in Syria, by 397 votes to 223, after a 10-hour Commons debate on Wednesday.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the MoD would be assessing the damage done by the bombing later, but the aim was to strike "a very real blow on the oil and revenue on which Daesh depends".
国防部长Michael Fallon表示,英国特种空勤团(MoD)稍后会对轰炸造成的伤害进行评估,但是目的是打击达伊沙(指IS)依靠的收入渠道——石油开采。
He confirmed that eight more jets - two Tornados and six Typhoons - were being sent to join the eight existing jets at the Akrotiri base. The Typhoons have left RAF Lossiemouth in Moray, Scotland, to join the air strikes.