What is the biggest deal breaker for you in a romantic relationship? Below average looks? A weird accent? Or a lack of commitment? A new study reveals that the top deal breakers are “disheveled or unclean” looks, followed by personalities that are “lazy” and “too needy”, according to a Wall Street Journal column.
It’s not bad news for those who want to maintain a long-term relationship.
Poor hygiene can be easily dealt with. Just pay a bit more attention to your personal grooming routines. To cure laziness and neediness, on the other hand, is more difficult. It might require a complete lifestyle overhaul or a change in personality.
Unfortunately, as the saying goes, a leopard cannot change his spots. Many deal breakers listed by the study support this cliché –you cannot change them easily.
The study was published in October in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, under the title “Relationship deal breakers: Traits people avoid in potential mates”.
By collecting and analyzing survey results from more than 5,500 single people between the ages of 21 and 76, researchers identified what turns people off in a relationship, and how picky they are.
The study found that women are pickier than men. They listed more negative traits that would kill their interest in potential partners.
The study claims there’s a biological reason for women to be more selective. It’s women who get pregnant, so it’s important for them to be picky and choose a mate who is responsible and capable of helping them raise children.
While men listed fewer deal breakers, theirs were just as distinctive. They are more likely to cite “having kids”, “living far away”, and “low sex drive” as deal breakers, thus showing a tendency toward a lack of commitment. According to the study, these characteristics “may reflect men’s greater concerns about resource investment in partners (and their families) and men’s somewhat higher interest in casual sex”.
虽然男性列出的分手原因很少,却很奇葩。男人们很可能会将 “有孩子”、“住得远”、“性冷淡”等列为分手原因。该研究还表明,这些特征反应了男人更关注对伴侣及其家庭的资源投入,某种程度上也说明男人可能对“一夜情”更感兴趣。
The study also found that people have different expectations for long-term and short-term relationships.
In long-term partners, the top deal breakers were “anger issues”, “is currently dating multiple partners” and “person is untrustworthy”. Among short-term partners, the deal breakers were “has health issues,” “smells bad” and “has poor hygiene”, according to results listed in The Wall Street Journal.
But just because certain deal breakers are common doesn’t mean they’re always justified. Sometimes deal breakers say more about your own prejudices than your partner’s flaws.
For example, if you consider “sweaty hands” or “ugly toes” as deal breakers, then perhaps you are way too picky. The Wall Street Journal suggests asking your close friends if your deal breakers are ridiculous. Their advice will help you become more objective.