Just as he was busy preparing his thesis defense graduate student Li Wei (pseudonym) received confirmation that he was HIV positive.
"I don't blame him, I only blame myself," said Li, admitting that he had no choice but to accept the matter.
The "him" he referred to was a guy he met during a trip last December. After passing several interviews with flying colors, Li was successfully admitted to a graduate school in Beijing in December, 2014. As a gift to himself, he decided to take a trip on his own to the southern part of China.
He ended up sharing a room with another guy around his age who was also traveling in the region. The two hit it off and eventually the conversation turned to sex. Not long after, the two were doing more than just talking.
"It was a very shabby hostel and there were no condom machines. I didn't even think of using protection," Li said.
After he got the results of his medical exam back, Li tried to call the guy, but no one answered. Out of curiosity, Li searched for the guy's phone number, but the result shocked him: Numerous results linked the number with that of a male sex worker. Li felt furious and helpless at the same time. "I don't have any detailed information to report to the police."
The only thing he could do was text the guy a message saying: "You totally ruined my life. Please conduct yourself better so you don't ruin anyone else's life again."
Li's story isn't some isolated incident. In fact, cases of HIV transmission between gay men are on the rise every year.
The number of high school to colleague students in China that are HIV positive has risen by 35 percent every year over the past five years, Wu Zunyou, the director of the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, told the Beijing News.
Sex is the main means of transmission among HIV positive teenagers, among which transmission between males makes up the majority of cases.
According to a survey conducted by Beijing News, 90 percent of colleague students have a basic knowledge of HIV, yet know little about how to protect themselves properly from the disease.
Many students with HIV contract the disease right after their transition from high school to university. Young high school students new to being on their own end up having unsafe sex with those outside the campus and from there the virus spreads to universities.