经典科幻文学:《 基本上无害 Mostly Harmless》 第12章16
日期:2015-12-03 04:25


‘All that rushing around. I expect it must be, yes.’


‘We have access to virtually every kind of information. I found your name on the passenger list of the ship that crashed.’


Arthur was astonished.


‘You mean they knew about the crash?’


‘Well, of course they knew. You don’t have a whole spaceliner disappear without someone knowing about it.’


‘But you mean, they knew where it had happened? They knew I’d survived?’




‘But nobody’s ever been to look or search or rescue. There’s been absolutely nothing.’


‘Well there wouldn’t be. It’s a whole complicated insurance thing. They just bury the whole thing. Pretend it never happened. The insurance business is completely screwy now. You know they’ve reintroduced the death penalty for insurance company directors?’


‘Really?’ said Arthur. ‘No I didn’t. For what offence?’


Trillian frowned.


‘What do you mean, offence?’


‘I see.’


Trillian gave Arthur a long look, and then, in a new tone of voice, said, ‘It’s time for you to take responsibility, Arthur.’


Arthur tried to understand this remark. He found it often took a moment or so before he saw exactly what it was that people were driving at, so he let a moment or two pass at a leisurely rate. Life was so pleasant and relaxed these days, there was time to let things sink in. He let it sink in.


He still didn’t quite understand what she meant, though, so in the end he had to say so.


Trillian gave him a cool smile and then turned back to the door of the hut.


‘Random?’ she called. ‘Come in. Come and meet your father.’


  • sinkn. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器 vi. 下沉,下落,
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • penaltyn. 处罚,惩罚
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • pretendv. 假装,装作 adj. 假装的
  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
  • complicatedadj. 复杂的,难懂的 动词complicate的过去
  • tonen. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调 vt. 使更健壮,装
  • insurancen. 保险,保险费,安全措施
  • relaxedadj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(