Zhoubi Suanjing
The oldest mathematical classic in China, Zhou,bi Suanjing or The Arith-metical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven,is an astronomy text as well.It is thought to have been compiled sometime between 500 BC and 200 AD.During the Tang Dynasty, the book was listed as the first of all the texts included in the Ten, Mathematical Classics.It contains some important mathe-matical sections and measures the positions of the heavenly bodies.How a gno-mon might be used is described in a conversation between Duke of Zhou and his as astrologer Shang Gao in the text:
Duke of Zhou: How great is the art of numbers? Tell me something about the application of the gnomon.
Shang Gao: Level up one leg of the gnomon and use the other leg as a plumb line. When the gnomon is turned up, it can measure height; when it is turned o-ver, it can measure depth and when it lies horizontally it can measure distance.Revolve the gnomon about its vertex and it can draw a circle; combine two gno-mons and they form a square.
Zhoubi Suanjin,g is a collection of 246 problems encountered during the conver-sations between the Duke of Zhou and Shang Gao. Each question has stated their numerical answer and corresponding arithmetic algorithm. The author of the Zhou-bi Suanjing writes that Emperor Yu quells floods, deepens rivers and streams, sur-veys high places and low places by using the Gougu rule. And this book contains one of the first recorded proofs of the Gougu rule, or the Pythagorean Theorem in the world.
The text of the Zhoubi Suanjin,g also explains that the reason that mathematics can be applied to so many different cases i-s as a result of the way that mathemati-cal reasoning allows one to pass from particular to general situations. This realiza-tion of the abstract nature of mathematics is important.
Zhoubi Suanjin,g contains calculations of the movement of the sun through the year as well as observations of the moon and the stars, particularly the pole star.