悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第44期:同甘共苦时的情绪
日期:2015-12-04 16:20


It is in keeping both with this insight and with general tradition that in the earliest tragedy Dionysus was not actually present but merely imagined.
Original tragedy is only chorus and not drama at all.
那就是说,悲剧本来只 是“歌队”,而不是“戏剧”。
Later an attempt was made to demonstrate the god as real and to bring the visionary figure, together with the transfiguring frame, vividly before the eyes of every spectator.
This marks the beginning of drama in the strict sense of the word.
It then became the task of the dithyrambic chorus so to excite the mood of the listeners that when the tragic hero appeared they would behold not the awkwardly masked man but a figure born of their own rapt vision.
If we imagine Admetus brooding on the memory of his recently departed wife, consuming himself in a spiritual contemplation of her form, and how a figure of similar shape and gait is led toward him in deep disguise.
if we then imagine his tremor of excitement, his impetuous comparisons, his instinctive conviction--then we have an analogue for the excitement of the spectator beholding the god, with whose sufferings he has already identified himself, stride onto the stage.

  • demonstratevt. 示范,演示,证明 vi. 示威
  • spectatorn. 观众,旁观者
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • insightn. 洞察力
  • awkwardlyadv. 笨拙地
  • merelyadv. 仅仅,只不过
  • striden. 步伐,一大步,大步走,进步 vt. 跨骑,跨 vi
  • visionaryadj. 幻影的,幻想的,有远见卓识的 n. 空想家,梦
  • spiritualadj. 精神的,心灵的,与上帝有关的 n. (尤指美国
  • tremorn. 震动,颤动,战栗,兴奋,地震