1. Intricate Hairstyle
An intricatehairstyle is alright for a carnival or an extravagantphoto session in a studio. In all other situations natural-looking hair is preferred. It’s far more pleasant to see and touch hair that is free of styling gels, sticky hair sprays and other hair products.
错乱的发型适用于狂欢节或者在 摄影棚里拍搔首弄姿的照片。在所有其他场合,还是看起来比较自然的发型更合适。没喷啫喱、没抹发胶或其他定型产品的头发让人看着摸着都很舒服。
2.Heavy Foundation
Foundationis created to hide fine lines, blemishesand little flaws. It makes your skin look healthy and smooth. It can even out your complexion and improve your skin tone. If it is visible, then you do not apply it right. Foundation is supposed to be invisible to others and even you.
3. Glitter and Shimmer on Your Eyelids
If you are not a professional makeup artist, it’ll better if you avoid using glittery and shimmery eye shadow. Very few succeed in applying it anyways. Matteshadow is always better because it does not cling to the eye crease.
4. Gummed up Lashes
This is what usually happens when you apply too much mascara. It clumpsand does not make your eyes look sexy and tempting at all. Use mascara of good quality. Experiment with several brands and pick the best one for you – the one that does not smudge under your eyes or rub off after a couple of hours. Finally, use a special brush to comb your lashes and remove the clumps.
5. Badly Shaved Body
Whether you like it or not, men prefer smooth skin. Take care of your entire body. Make sure that your legs and armpits are perfectly clean and hairless. Such things play even a greater role than makeup. It tells a lot about your hygiene and there is no point in applying makeup if the rest of your body is not totally neat!
6. Dry Skin
It’s unpleasant to touch dry skin. Scurfy elbows or heels look awful. Use moisturizingand nourishing shower gels, creams and body lotions after shower.
7. Bad Breath and Yellowish Teeth
Yellowish teeth and bad breath will never attract the opposite sex. Think of the reason what causes the problem. Are you a smoker? Or is it just your poor hygiene? Maybe you drink too much coffee, black tea, or red wine? In either case, do your best to solve the problem as soon as possible. Use whitening toothpaste or strips to make your smile brighter and carry breath dragees in your handbag.
牙黄和口臭永远不能吸引异性。你要找到造成这些问题的原因。你吸烟吗?或者你不讲卫生?可能 咖啡、红茶或红酒喝多了?无论是什么原因,你要尽最大努力尽快解决这个问题。使用增白牙膏,或洗牙来使你的笑容更亮丽,可以在手包里放些清新口气的糖。
8. Wrong Lip Liner
If you have been invited on a date, probably you will also be taken to a cafe or a restaurant. Think ahead about how your lips will look after you have eaten your dinner. If you use lipstick and lip liner, then after eating food out of the two only lip liner will stay on your lips. You will probably a gree that this won’t look attractive at all. It’s even worse if your lip liner is much darker than your lipstick or your natural lip color.
如果有人约你,他可能会带你去 咖啡厅或餐馆。提前想好吃完晚餐后嘴唇看起来是什么样子。如果你涂口红、画唇线,那饭后嘴唇上只会留下两条唇线。你可能也觉着这看起来一点都不迷人。如果唇线的颜色比口红或嘴唇本身颜色深就更难看了。
9. Too Much Fragrance
Perfume is created to help you express your individuality. But too much of a good thing is never right. A drop of your favorite aromais enough to make a man pay attention to you. Make your aroma your little secret. That’s the best way to keep a man wondering and imagining a lot of beautiful things about your personality.
10. Public Grooming
Trust us, men do not want to know or see how you make yourself attractive. This ruins their illusion. Let them think you are effortlessly beautiful. All major makeup procedures should be performed at home, not in public.