In 1927, a chance encounter on a New York sidewalk with the media mogul Condé Nast made the gamine beauty Lee Miller a magazine cover girl and modeling sensation. Later, as the lover and muse of the artist Man Ray, her face and body were preserved in some of the most striking solarized portraits of the Surrealist age.
1927年,假小子气的美女李·米勒(Lee Miller)在纽约的人行道上偶然遇见媒体大亨康德·纳斯特(Condé Nast),从而成为杂志封面女郎和轰动一时的模特。后来,作为艺术家曼·雷(Man Ray)的情人和缪斯,她的脸庞和身体留存在超现实主义时期的一些最引人注目的过度曝光的肖像照中。
But Miller’s place in history was ultimately secured by her work on the other side of the lens, first as a fashion photographer and later with her documentation of life in Europe during World War II.
Appointed Vogue’s official war photographer in London, Miller, who died in 1977 at the age of 70, captured scenes from the Blitz and intimate snapshots of life on the British home front. Later, as one of a handful of female front-line photographers, she accompanied American forces to document the D-Day aftermath, Allied advance and eventual liberation of the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps.
Her candid and devastating photographs of victims and perpetrators of Nazi oppression were widely circulated, while a haunting shot of Miller, naked and filthy, snapped by a Life magazine photographer as she symbolically washed away the horror she had witnessed from the bathtub of Hitler’s abandoned Munich apartment became a seminal liberation image.
Those pictures, and many more, have been included in “Lee Miller: A Woman’s War,” a current exhibition of her life and work at the Imperial War Museum in London, and an accompanying book with the same name, by Hilary Roberts. As their shared title would suggest, the two retrospectives focus specifically on her vision of gender during the war, her exploration of the role women played throughout the period and the impact it had on their position in society.
那些照片,还有其他很多照片,都被收入伦敦帝国战争博物馆(Imperial War Museum)正在举办的关于她生活和作品的展览“李·米勒:一个女人的战争”(Lee Miller: A Woman’s War)中,以及同时出版的同名图书中,图书作者是希拉里·罗伯茨(Hilary Roberts)。展览和图书的名字表明,重点在于回顾她对战争时期女性的看法,以及她对女性在那个时期发挥的作用及其对她们社会地位影响的探索。
“In many respects, Miller’s life before the Second World War had been defined by her femininity,” said Ms. Roberts, who is also curator of the exhibit. “She may have belonged to the first generation of women entitled to vote but was well aware she lived in a man’s world. Photography offered Miller an outlet for her personal frustration and a means of taking control.”
Most of Miller’s subjects throughout her body of work displayed are women, and many of the 150 photographs featured have not been published before. Her prewar catalog experiments with complex lighting systems creating artful and abstract shadows, while sculptural nudes with separated limbs and portraits of women and their lovers are clearly dissections of female subjugation.
From 1940, Miller regularly produced glamorous shoots for British Vogue tinged with her early Surrealist leanings. As the war progressed, the magazine then became a critical strategic conduit for government ministries on persuading women how they could and should behave during times of conflict.
“It seems pretty silly to go on working for a frivolous paper like Vogue,” she said, then added, “It may be good for the country’s morale, but it’s hell on mine.” But over time, her work moved from the studios, where she had documented how to dress stylishly amid rationing and how shorter hair could be chic as more and more women began working in factories, to raw photographic essays on life on the home front.
From nurses in uniform caring for the wounded, to female searchlight crews of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, the women’s branch of the British army, in their big bear coats and female fighter pilots seated stoically in their cockpits, Miller reinforced that in her sympathetic view, plucky, feisty and levelheaded women were the backbone of the war effort at home.
从穿制服的照顾伤员的护士,到身穿熊皮大衣的英军陆军本土女子勤务队(Auxiliary Territorial Service)探照灯操作员,到驾驶舱坚忍的女飞行员——米勒透过镜头强调自己对她们的赞赏:这些勇敢、顽强、冷静的女人才是后方的支柱。
In Europe, where subjects included shaven-headed Frenchwomen accused of collaborating with the Germans, cold-eyed nuns, homeless street urchins and women in ordinary domestic scenes amid the urban rubble, her work becomes more nuanced.
“Germany is a beautiful landscape dotted with jewel-like villages, blotched with ruined cities and inhabited by schizophrenics,” Miller wrote in a dispatch for Vogue from the liberation front lines in 1945, taking the magazine into new editorial territory. “Mothers sew and sweep and bale, and farmers plough and harrow; all just like real people. But they aren’t. They are the enemy.”
Both the book and exhibition stress the emotional and psychological toll Miller’s experiences took on her. As Antony Penrose, her son from her marriage to Sir Roland Penrose, the British Surrealist artist, writes in the book’s introduction, “There is no erase button for the traumatic images that enter our minds.”
这本书和这场展览都强调米勒的经历对她造成的情绪和心理伤害。就像她的儿子安东尼·彭罗斯(Antony Penrose)在这本书的序言中说的那样:“进入我们头脑中的创伤性画面永远没有清除键。”安东尼是在米勒嫁给英国超现实主义艺术家罗兰德·彭罗斯爵士(Sir Roland Penrose)后生的孩子。
Mr. Penrose also suggests that his mother, the victim of a childhood rape that infected her with gonorrhea and who later became a chronic alcoholic and depressive, battled with her many unexpressed traumas and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder in the postwar years.
After a few botched assignments in which she struggled to meet deadlines, her photographic career ended along with much of her reputation. At the time Miller died, her work was near forgotten; all of the images featured in the exhibition are from the 60,000 negatives Mr. Penrose found in the attic after her death. Few publications noted her death with an obituary (The New York Times did not). He has since worked aggressively to restore her critical reputation, and his biography of his mother, “The Lives of Lee Miller,” now looks set to be made into a movie (perhaps with Kate Winslet in the lead role).
后来米勒为了赶截稿日期而搞砸了几次拍摄任务后,她的摄影事业因此终结,她的名气也基本随之消失。到米勒去世的时候,她的作品几乎被人遗忘。这次展览的所有照片都来自彭罗斯于母亲去世后在阁楼上找到的6万张底片。几乎没有哪个媒体为她写讣告(《纽约时报》也没有)。后来,彭罗斯努力恢复她的声誉,他写的关于妈妈的传记《李·米勒的生活》(The Lives of Lee Miller),现在还要拍成电影(可能由凯特·温斯莱特[Kate Winslet]主演)。
“Although I hardly knew her while she was alive,” he said, “I have become aware of much of her life and personality through the legacy of these images.”