It was a gorgeous fall day in Dumbo, Brooklyn, and Keira Cannon was holding one of the weekend photo shoots she does with her favorite subject: her son, Princeton.
在布鲁克林丹波(Dumbo)一个美丽的秋日,凯拉·坎农(Keira Cannon)正在进行周末摄影,拍摄她最喜欢的对象:儿子普林斯顿(Princeton)。
Princeton wore leather pants, black-and-white checked sneakers and a black sweatshirt with an open-mouthed vampire graphic. But that wasn’t quite enough flair for his mother. So Ms. Cannon whipped out a purple faux-fur jacket — except that Princeton was, in teenager-speak, “done.”
But Princeton is not a teenager. He is 5 years old. A happy-seeming little boy, he played with his scooter, balanced on the curb, twirled in endless circles but only had so much tolerance for the professional photographer whom Ms. Cannon, 38 and a pastry chef, had hired to populate his Instagram feed, Prince and the Baker, which has more than 5,600 followers.
不过,普林斯顿还算不上青少年,他才5岁。他看起来兴致很高,骑着踏板车,一会儿在马路沿上保持平衡,一会儿不停地原地打转,不过他对妈妈请来的专业摄影师的容忍度只有这么大。他的妈妈坎农38岁,是个糕点大厨。她请摄影师拍照是为了让他们的Instagram账户Prince and the Baker更受欢迎,目前这个账户有5600多名粉丝。
When the photographer attempted to coax him to pose for one more shot with the Brooklyn Bridge behind him, he gave her a polite, “No thanks.” It didn’t help that children were riding past him on scooters of their own, or bicycles.
Once the half-hour shoot was over, Ms. Cannon posted multiple photos of Princeton in the outfit on the Instagram feed, tagging the Canadian online shop, the Mini Life, that had provided it, and the brands included. In return, she would get a shopping discount and keep the clothing, worth about $350.
半小时的拍摄一结束,坎农就在Instagram上发布了几张普林斯顿穿那套衣服的照片,并加上了提供这套服装的加拿大网店Mini Life以及服装品牌的标签。作为回报,她能得到店铺折扣,并保留这些原价约为350美元的衣服。
During busy seasons, she receives such packages weekly. Depending on the brand, Ms. Cannon will sometimes earn a payment of $50 to $100 per post, she said, adding that L’Officiel Enfant, a showroom in Midtown, once paid her $250 for a look-book shoot.
在旺季,她每周都能接到这样的活儿。坎农说,根据品牌不同,一个帖子的报酬约为50至100美元不等。她补充说,中城的服装推广公司L’Officiel Enfant有一次为一幅时尚画册照片付给她250美元。
Typically, Princeton is happy to be in the spotlight. “He kind of loves it,” Ms. Cannon said. “A lot of followers will actually recognize him in the street. And he’ll say, ‘How do people know me?’ or ‘People think that I’m adorable?’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, you’re totally adorable.’ He’s a sweet little guy, and it opens him up in ways because people want to talk to him about what he’s wearing and how he’s doing.”
The entertainment industry has long been populated with (some may say built by) stage mothers like Rose Hovick, Jaid Barrymore, Teri Shields, Dina Lohan, and reigning “momager” Kris Jenner. But Instagram, which Pew Research says is the fastest growing major social network among adults in the United States, has become an express track for parents interested in sharing and sometimes capitalizing on the visual story line of their children’s lives.
娱乐业从来都不缺培养明星的妈妈(有人甚至说,娱乐业是这些妈妈们发展起来的),比如罗丝·霍维克(Rose Hovick)、雅伊德·巴里莫尔(Jaid Barrymore)、特丽·希尔兹(Teri Shields)、迪娜·洛汉(Dina Lohan),以及首屈一指的“妈咪经纪人”克里斯·詹纳(Kris Jenner)。不过,对那些喜欢分享孩子生活照片、有时从中赚钱的父母们来说,Instagram已经成为一个便利的渠道。据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research)称,在美国成年人中,Instagram是发展最快的主要社交网站。
Other than a few recommendations about proper tagging, endorsement deals resulting from such activity largely lie outside the protective scope of the Federal Trade Commission, said Susan Scafidi, the academic director of the Fashion Law Institute at Fordham University.
福德姆大学(Fordham University)时尚法律学院(Fashion Law Institute)的学术主管苏珊·斯卡菲迪(Susan Scafidi)说,除了几项关于恰当加标签的建议之外,这些交易大多不在联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)的保护范围之内。
“While the modeling industry isn’t perfect by any means, it is at least, at the level of children, regulated to some extent,” she said, referring to limitations on work hours and the creation of a trust fund for wages.
Regardless of how their time and money is being handled, the amateur child models of Instagram are already more famous on the Internet than most of your co-workers. There’s 4-year-old London Scout, with 105,000 followers; 2-year-old Millie-Belle Diamond, with 143,000; 4-year-old Michelle (154,000); Gavin (200,000); and the Mini Style Hacker (260,000). Then there’s the prince of Instagram: Alonso Mateo, with more than 600,000 followers. He recently attended the Dior show at Paris Fashion Week.
不管他们的工作时间有多长,收入是怎么处理的,Instagram上的这些业余儿童模特在网上的名气比你的大部分同事还要大。比如4岁的伦敦·斯科特(London Scout)有10.5万粉丝;2岁的Millie-Belle Diamond有14.3万粉丝;4岁的米歇尔(Michelle,15.4万);加文(Gavin,20万);Mini Style Hacker(26万)。还有Instagram王子:阿隆索·马特奥(Alonso Mateo),他有60多万粉丝。前不久,他在巴黎时装周上参加了迪奥(Dior)的时装秀。
Princeton’s dad, Sai Roberts, 40, a graphic designer, has more modest aspirations. “His mom and I have reviewed some of the other Instagram kids who have a lot of followers, and so there are some concerns in the sense that if it was to get out of hand, but so far it’s really been a positive experience,” he said. “I’m very proud that he’s getting exposure, and I hope he’s able to use that for his own creative flair and voice as he grows older.”
普林斯顿的爸爸赛·罗伯茨(Sai Roberts)今年40岁,是一位平面设计师,他的愿望更朴实。他说:“我和他妈妈看了Instagram上有很多粉丝的小孩,担心情况会失控,不过到目前为止,我们获得的都是正面体验。有更多人认识他,我为此感到很骄傲,我希望他长大后能用他的名气发挥自己的创造性天分,表达自己的想法。”
Sometimes adults are drawn to the feed: people who post comments on their own Instagram pages like “Can I be her?” or “She’s become my style inspo” or “I love the hair!!!!”
And marketers are also taking an interest. Athena Rotolo, who owns the Mini Life website, said she was pleased with the transactions she has struck with Ms. Cannon. “She requests certain items that fit in for the style of the shoot and then I send them off to her,” Ms. Rotolo said. “So instead of me having to hire someone and pay all those fees, it’s a mutual relationship.”
市场推广人员也产生了兴趣。Mini Life网站的所有者雅典娜·罗托洛(Athena Rotolo)说:她对自己和坎农之间的交易很满意,“她会要一些符合她的拍摄风格的衣服,我就发给她。这样我就不用雇人,也不用花那些钱,这是一种互惠关系。”
Parents have also negotiated deals with Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop and other higher-profile companies.
家长们还和格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)的Goop等高级服装公司协商交易。
On the higher end, there’s London Scout (her first and middle names) walking down a street in a couture party dress for the Instagram account Scout Fashion. Or London Scout at New York Fashion Week in a pink and navy faux fur coat, waving to a crowd of photographers.
高端的一些例子包括伦敦·斯科特(London Scout,这是她的第一个名字和中名)为Instagram账户Scout Fashion拍摄的身穿高级定制派对裙走在街头的照片。或者她在纽约时装周上身穿粉色海军蓝人造毛皮外衣向摄影师们挥手的照片。
“It was like she had her own little paparazzi,” said her mother, Sai De Silva, who runs the feed. London Scout is living #scoutstyle and schooling followers on how to #gettheLondonlook. And because London’s mother, 34 and a self-described social-media strategist, is as photogenic as her daughter, there are also the hashtags #mommydaughtermoments and #ScoutMomstyle.
伦敦·斯科特的妈妈赛·德席尔瓦(Sai De Silva)负责发布照片。德席尔瓦说:“就好像她有自己的狗仔队。”伦敦·斯科特引领斯科特风尚(#scoutstyle),指导粉丝们如何打造伦敦造型(#gettheLondonlook)。德席尔瓦今年34岁,自称社交媒体策略师,她和女儿一样上镜,所以也发布关于母女时光(#mommydaughtermoments)和斯科特妈妈风尚(#ScoutMomstyle)的照片。
Ms. De Silva, who lives in New York, has created a weekly calendar to manage the account. “It’s the same thing you would do with a magazine,” she said. One day she takes the photos of London, and on another she hires a professional photographer. Two to three wardrobe changes are scheduled for each outing: London going to the park or the supermarket, dressed to the nines.
“That way, I have content for the week,” Ms. De Silva said. “Or if she’s in the mood to shoot a photo on my iPhone, then I’ll take a capture. But we don’t make it an issue where it’s 24-7 because it would be obnoxious and ridiculous for a 4-year-old. If my daughter isn’t happy, then there are no photos.”
Taylen, age 2, has some 112,000 followers. “Taylen has become a brand,” said her mother, Angelica Calad, 33 and the owner and designer of POMP Kids, an online clothing business in Davie, Fla. Ms. Calad’s Instagram feed, Taylen’s Mom, is a devoted chronicle of Taylen and Aleia, Ms. Calad’s infant daughter, in high-fashion outfits. In one photo, Taylen wears a retro Esther Williams-inspired dusty rose bodysuit with ribbon shoulder straps, glitter-adorned bottoms and a bow tie. In another, Aleia wears peach merino overalls and a white-feathered chieftain headdress.
两岁的泰兰(Taylen)大约有11.2万粉丝。她的妈妈安杰莉卡·卡拉德(Angelica Calad)今年33岁,是佛罗里达州戴维市的网上服装公司POMP Kids的所有者和设计师。她说:“泰兰已经成为一个品牌。”卡拉德的Instagram账户Taylen’s Mom专门用来记录泰兰和刚出生的女儿埃莉娅(Aleia)身穿高级服装的造型。在其中一张照片里,泰兰穿着以埃丝特·威廉姆斯(Esther Williams)为灵感的复古土灰玫瑰紧身衣裤,肩带上装饰着蝴蝶结,臀部装饰着亮片,领口有个领结。在另一张照片里,埃莉娅身穿桃色美利奴羊毛连体衣,头戴白色羽毛酋长头饰。
In the course of one weekend, Ms. Calad booked back-to-back shoots for Taylen and Aleia. She said she is also in talks to develop a network television show for Taylen and is branching out into home décor. But the real get is that Taylen is headlining the holiday campaign for Kardashian Kids Kollection, a relationship that began, Ms. Calad said, when she was approached by a publicist for the Kardashian line through Instagram.
有一个周末,卡拉德为泰兰和埃莉娅安排了一连串拍摄。她说,她还在协商为泰兰开设一个网络电视节目,而且在考虑扩展到家居装饰方面。不过,真正的大事件是泰兰即将成为卡戴珊孩童系列(Kardashian Kids Kollection)假日广告的主要模特。卡拉德说,卡戴珊服装系列的一位公关人员通过Instagram联系她,开始了合作。
Ms. Calad works with at least 100 brands and said she sometimes receives money, but sometimes not. “This is not an advertising site,” she said. “That’s the difference between my Instagram and a lot of other moms’ Instagram accounts, which is that they’ll take whatever gets sent to them. I don’t. I have a particular style for my girls. It has to be handmade or eco-friendly, with simple fabric. Anything organic.”
This is a favorite word of Ms. Calad’s. The clothing her children wear is organic. The photo shoots are organic. The way her Instagram feed began is organic. But there’s no spilled ice cream and there are never ever any tears in the pictures.
Still, Ms. Calad insists nothing is forced. “At 2 years old, you would think the tantrums would start with photo shoots and things like that, but Taylen truly enjoys it,” she said. “A lot of the brands we work with, they see it right away: her charisma and her love for the camera.”
Ginger Clark, a psychologist and professor of clinical education at the University of Southern California, compared parent-run Instagram feeds to the pageant world.
加利福尼亚南部大学(University of Southern California)的心理学家和临床教育教授金杰·克拉克(Ginger Clark)把父母经营的Instagram账户与演艺界相提并论。
“Not every kid is going to have this experience, but it runs the risk of giving the child the sense that they are a commodity in your eyes,” she said. “You have to be extra careful to make sure the messages you’re giving your child are ‘This is for fun, this is dress-up.’ But when you’re hiring your own photographer, then it becomes more commercialized.”
Patricia Greenfield is a psychology professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, director of the campus’s Children’s Digital Media Center and a co-author of an oft-cited study that found that fame was the No. 1 goal for children ages 10 to 12. “It really boils down to someone’s values and whether or not you want your child to grow up thinking of himself or herself in terms of how famous he or she is, versus having more pro-social values,” Dr. Greenfield said of cultivating Instagram stars.
帕特丽夏·格林菲尔德(Patricia Greenfield)是加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)的心理学教授,也是该校儿童数字媒体中心的主管。她是一项经常被引用的研究的联合作者。那项研究发现,对10至12岁的儿童来说,名气是头等目标。格林菲尔德提起培养Instagram明星时说:“最根本的问题是价值观,以及你是否想让孩子在成长过程从出名程度来评判自己,而不是拥有更亲社会的价值观。”
Her co-author on the study, Yalda T. Uhls, a child psychologist, said children whose parents seek fame for them may grow up to be introverts or have higher-than-usual social anxiety. “The other extreme is, your child will get so used to this attention that they’ll start to crave it and they may crave it in unhealthy ways,” Dr. Uhls said.
那项研究的另一位作者娅尔达·T·尤尔斯(Yalda T. Uhls)是一名儿童心理学家。她说,如果父母为孩子追求名气,孩子长大后可能会形成内向型人格或者具有高于常人的社会焦虑感,“另一种极端的可能性是,你的孩子会习惯这种关注,并渴望得到它,甚至可能通过不健康的方式追求它”。
Regardless of the potential psychological effects, the mothers interviewed for this article said they feared online predators. “You never know who’s behind a profile,” said Mia St. Clair, 29, a professional photographer in Spokane, Wash. Her son Grey, 3, is at the epicenter of Grey’s Little Closet. They have over 28,000 followers.
尽管存在这些潜在的心理影响,但是为本文接受采访的母亲们更担心的是网上的猎手。29岁的米娅·圣克莱尔(Mia St. Clair)是华盛顿州斯波坎市的专业摄影师。她三岁的儿子格雷(Grey)是Grey’s Little Closet的中心,这个Instagram账户有超过2.8万名粉丝。她说:“你永远不知道网上那些人是谁。”
“Now that it’s so large and it’s growing, we just felt like we should just kind of shift it and not be so focused on Grey,” Ms. St. Clair said. “We don’t love the idea of him growing up and one day feeling like he has this huge following or fan base.”
Her husband, James St. Clair, 33, a director of media and communications at Calvary Spokane, a church, also voiced caution. “I never thought it would be this big,” he said. “I had hesitation at first, mostly because I just didn’t understand it. As I’ve learned more and seen the effects, both positive and not-so-positive, I now have the mind-set that we need to be responsible with the platform that we have.”
她的丈夫詹姆斯·圣克莱尔(James St. Clair)今年33岁,是Calvary Spokane教堂的媒体和通讯主管。他也表示担心:“我从没想过会有这么多粉丝。一开始我有点疑虑,主要是因为我不能理解这种情况。后来我了解得更多,看到了正面和不太正面的影响,现在我的态度是,我们需要对自己拥有的平台负责。”
Ms. Cannon, the pastry chef from Brooklyn, recently dealt with an incident in which a Facebook user posted photos of Princeton and other children without permission. A group of mothers, including Ms. Cannon, demanded that they be taken down.
But such fears have not stopped her from proceeding full steam ahead with Prince and the Baker.
不过,这些恐惧没有阻止她继续全力开发Prince and the Baker这个Instagram账户。
“I’m not trying to thrust him in it right away, and I’m going at his pace,” Ms. Cannon said. “But, yes, ultimately, we’re on that track of maybe television work or commercials. I think Princeton and I are on the cusp of blowing up.”