A set of proposed regulations for China’s online ride-hailing industry are shaping up as a bellwether of how much internet “disruption” Beijing will tolerate — and are being closely watched by the country’s biggest tech companies.
Last month the Ministry of Transport published draft rules that would legalise the nascent sector but could also stifle it with bureaucratic red tape, and gave the industry one month to respond.
That has thrown ride-hailing companies including San Francisco-based Uber and Didi Kuaidi, its local competitor, into a behind-the-scenes lobbying effort over the new rules, which could raise their costs prohibitively.
相关规定《征求意见稿》的公布,让包括优步(Uber)和滴滴快的(Didi Kuaidi)在内的叫车应用企业,被迫加入了围绕新规定的一轮幕后游说活动(新规定可能会让它们的运营成本提高到无利可图的地步)。优步是一家总部驻旧金山的企业,而滴滴快的则是它在中国国内的竞争者。
The sector’s potential is huge. Didi, in an investor presentation in June, predicted that the Chinese ride-hailing market would be worth $50bn annually by 2020. Travis Kalanick, Uber’s chief executive, reckons China accounts for 30 per cent of his company’s rides worldwide and will overtake the US by year-end.
该行业的潜力是巨大的。滴滴打车(Didi)在今年6月一次向投资者做的报告中预计,到2020年,中国叫车应用市场每年的规模或达到500亿美元。优步首席执行官特拉维斯愠灓尼克(Travis Kalanick)估计,中国占优步全球出车次数的30%,今年年底以前,中国的出车次数将超过美国。
But the regulatory environment is a wild card. It is technically illegal for private cars to operate as taxis in China, though enforcement is patchy.
More important, experts see the car-hailing rules as precedent setting. As companies including Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu push into heavily regulated, state-dominated sectors from finance to healthcare, the taxi industry is where many of the battles over regulation are being fought.
Car-hailing regulations “will be an indicator, a precedent for things to come”, says Jenny Lee, Beijing-based managing partner at GGV Capital, which has invested in Didi Kuaidi.
叫车服务法规“将起指示作用,为将来的事情确立先例,”对滴滴快的进行投资的纪源资本(GGV Capital)管理合伙人李宏玮(Jenny Lee)表示。
“This is a space that all the big guys are in. It’s not a strategic sector, not finance, telecoms or media. The vested interests are local taxi companies, without a lot of political clout. If this doesn’t open up, it’s bad news for the rest of the [internet] industry.”
The proposed framework would oblige internet apps to register all their cars as commercial vehicles, subjecting them to the same laws as taxis including a ban on vehicles older than eight years.
The new laws would require each driver’s car to be licensed separately rather than a being covered by a company licence. Both Uber and Didi say that roughly three-quarters of their drivers are part-time, and the new rules would force them off the road.
“Part-time drivers and their vehicles should be allowed on the road in order to make the sharing economy really about sharing,” says Didi. The company says most of its drivers do four to five rides per day, and licensing as commercial vehicles “would make it prohibitive”.
Didi Kuaidi, formed in February by the merger of Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache, is backed by Tencent and Alibaba, China’s two largest internet companies, which have a combined shareholding of around 25 per cent. It says it controls 83 per cent of the car-hailing market.
Uber, in which Chinese search engine Baidu holds an undisclosed stake, is in second place with a market share that Mr Kalanick puts at 30-35 per cent.
Both are optimistic about their staying power. Each expects to invest over $1bn this year in China, spent largely on subsidies aimed at grabbing market share.
But there is no consensus in the government about how to oversee the sector, which licensed taxi drivers complain costs them money and jobs.
Last month [October]Shanghai gave Didi the country’s first municipal operating licence after the company agreed to a far slimmer set of rules — a pilot programme many thought could be eventually rolled out across the country.
Optimism evaporated when the transport ministry just days later published its national rules.
“There are some positive bases and we’re very encouraged,” says Didi. The draft framework “actually recognises the legal existence of the car-hailing industry — but legal within a pretty constrictive set of rules”.
In China, where respect for authority is good business practice, Didi and Uber have couched their dissent carefully. But citizen groups and experts on regulation — who claim to have no connection to the industry — have begun a loud campaign against the proposed rules.
“There are massive flaws in the draft and it should not be enacted,“ wrote six economists last month in an editorial in Caijing, a leading financial magazine, because “it will severely hinder the development of the internet transportation service industry”.
The outcry has forced the transport ministry into a public response.
In an interview published by Xinhua, the official news agency, ministry inspector Xu Yahua said that “as a key service industry, it is necessary to have a set of industry admittance regulations”.
But he added: “As for exactly how this will be done, we need to listen to the suggestions from society, and gradually perfect it in practice.”