TOKYO — The Japanese economy deteriorated more severely than expected in the third quarter, according to government data released on Monday, extending a downturn into a second consecutive three-month period and putting the country in technical recession.
In a preliminary estimate, the Cabinet Office said output declined by an annualized 0.8 percent. Economists surveyed by news agencies had expected a contraction of 0.3 percent, on average.
Worsening business confidence appeared to have contributed to the fall. Companies reduced investment in the quarter and drew down on inventories rather than increasing production, the data showed.
With its work force shrinking, Japan grows more slowly than other countries at the best of times. Small setbacks can easily send it into reverse. The latest recession was its fifth since the global financial crisis of 2008, though by some measures, including unemployment, the picture looks much less dire.
The recession could nonetheless intensify skepticism about Japanese economic policy. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gained office three years ago on a pledge to reset Japan’s growth trajectory. So far, his “Abenomics” program, centered on aggressive stimulus by the central bank, has struggled to reach its ambitious goals for lifting incomes, spending and investment.
尽管如此,这种衰退景象可能会加剧人们对日本经济政策的怀疑。日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)三年前凭借重置日本经济增长轨迹的承诺赢得选举。迄今为止,他采取的以央行积极刺激举措为中心的“安倍经济学”政策,难以实现其雄心勃勃的目标——提高收入、开支和投资。