Abridged Armilla
The Abridged or simplified Armilla was invented in 1276 by Guo Shoujing (1231一1316),an astronomer in the Yuan Dynasty(1271一1368),for measuring positions of celestial bodies.
The apparatus is simpler than the armillay sphere in terms of structure and application,and it gives a panorama of the celes-tial sphere except the part around Polaris,so it is called Abridged Armilla.
The primary structure of Abridged Armilla contains two large rings that are per-pendicular to each other, of which one is parallel with the equatorial plane and is accordingly called“equatorial ring;,
and the other is a double-ring which is per-pendicular to the center of the equatorial ring,revolving around a metallic shaft,and is called“right ascension double-ring.
The double-ring holds within itself a sighting tube with crosshairs,which equals to a monocular and revolves around the center of the right ascension double-ring.
During observation,the sighting tube is targeted at a certain star, thus the positional value can be read out at the dials of the equatorial ring and the right ascension double-ring.
Two stands are supportingthe metallic shaft that exactly directs at the south and the north,bracing the entire observing unit to a position in which the north part is higher than the south part.
The equatorial mounting,invented by the Chinese,was somewhat 500 years earli-er than like devices createdin Europe