You've all heard the quote about lies, damned lies and statistics. We're not making any sweeping judgements based on the following stats, but it is mighty interesting to see just how much the United States has evolved over the decades.
10.Over 145 Million Americans are Poor
Based on 2011 estimates, nearly half of the American population is currently either considered to be low income or simply living in poverty. If you have $10 in your pocket right now and no debts, you're wealthier than 78 million Americans.
In 1950, only two in 10 men in the United States were without jobs. It's since gone up to about four in 10 men. Two out of 10 adults work at jobs that pay poverty level wages, and more than five in 10 Americans can't afford the house that they're living in right now. One in four kids live on food stamps. About 25 million adult Americans live with their parents, and some other 20 million live in mobile homes. We're not talking about poorly educated Americans only. There are 320,000 restaurant servers, 115,000 janitors, and 80,000 bartenders with Bachelor degrees. And over 33,000 PhD graduates are receiving public aid.
在1950年,在美国每10个男人中就有两个没有工作。自那以来上升到了4个。每10个成年人中有两个做着只有贫困水平工资的工作,每10个美国人中就有超 过一半人不能支付他们现在所居住的房子的房款。四分之一的孩子靠着发给失业者和贫民的粮票生活。大约两千五百万成年美国人和他们的父母生活在一起,还有另外两千万住在移动房子里。我们不只是讨论未受到良好教育的美国人。有32万餐馆服务员、11.5万看门人和8万酒吧侍者有学士学位。超过3.3万的哲学博士毕业生正在接收公共援助。
9.32 Million American Adults Can't Read this Line
An April 2013 study by the US Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy revealed that 32 million adults in the United States can't read. That's about three Americans in any room of 20. It's a figure that hasn't changed much since the 1980s.
This means you can't read the hazard warnings on a bottle of pesticide. You can't write your sweetheart a love letter, an email or even a text message. You can't use the Internet or social media. You can't read street signs, and if you got lost you can't use a map. You find yourself living in a society that runs on facts and figures and unable to participate. Most problems in the United States directly correlate with illiteracy levels. More than six in 10 prison inmates, and nearly nine in 10 juveniles who show up in the courts, can't read. Interestingly, there are actually more public libraries in the US than McDonald's. But then there are also more prisons in US than degree granting colleges. Speaking of literacy, 27% of US Army enlistees can't read training manuals written at the seventh grade level.
8.Religious Beliefs Are Eroding
The 21st Century seems to be ushering in the fall of religion in the USA. Studies from Berkeley and Duke University, as well as a Pew Research survey, reveal that more and more people are leaving religion behind. In 1972, about five in 100 people said they had no religion. In 1990 that number was up to eight in 100. And then the numbers start rising a lot faster — in 2010 it was 18 in 100, and in 2010 it became 20. Surprisingly, half of those born in non-religious homes eventually turned religious, although that's just four in 100. But many more people are leaving religion alone. Men tend to hold the lead in having the No Religion status, as for every three non-religious men you have two non-religious women.
21世纪似乎带领美国走进了一个信仰缺失的时代。伯克利大学和杜克大学的研究,以及一项皮尤研究中心的调查显示,越来越多的的人开始放弃宗教信仰。在1972年,每100个人里约有5个人说自己没有信仰。到1990年,数据上升到了8/100。随后数据急速飙升——2010年上升到18/100, 2012(达到)20/100.令人惊讶的是,半数出生于无宗教信仰家庭的人却转变为宗教信徒,即使只有4/100的人如此。而更多的人则将宗教置诸脑后。在无信仰的人群里,男性的人数趋于领先地位,每5个无信仰人士中有3个是男性。
New England — Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont – was founded by devout Puritans. Today, these same states now hold some of the largest non-religious populations in the USA.
7.Apple Is Making More Than the US Government
Apple has twice as much money as the US Government, and Microsoft is also wealthier than Uncle Sam. It helps that some of America's big corporations know their way around Uncle Sam's laws — in 2010, General Electric made over $14 billion in profits but paid no taxes in the US.
As for what the US is raking in, America held the world's number one GDP per capita in the 1950s, but now ranks 13th. The 2011 fiscal year saw the US trade deficit with China at more than 49,000 times what it was in 1985!
6.America's Food Craze
Mozzarella and soda. On average, an American drinks about 600 sodas a year. While soda guzzling managed to fall by nearly 25% between 1998 and 2013, mozzarella consumption in 2013 had tripled the 1970s volume!
Americans consume about 100 pounds of chocolate every second. 100 acres of pizza are consumed daily. Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the US, but only Hawaii farms coffee in the US on a commercial scale. Another surprise came with the discovery that there are more cows in Montana than humans, at a three to one ratio. Little wonder that 50 billion hamburgers are sold every year in the US alone. As for those chicken nuggets and all that chicken noodle soup? Eight billion chickens lose their lives in the US yearly.
翻译:兔宝宝 来源:前十网