The meeting was held in a "very harmonious ambiance," said Chao Chun-Shan, president of the Foundation on Asia-Pacific Peace Studies, who observed the meeting in Singapore and returned to Taipei early Sunday morning.
"The leaders displayed a high level of empathy. Both sides showed sincerity and willingness to focus on common ground and shelve the differences for the moment," Chao said at a seminar here..
It was the first meeting of cross-Strait leaders and people can not expect all problems to be settled in one meeting, he said, adding that it will take much longer for the two sides to properly address the issues mentioned at the meeting.
"The outcome of the meeting exceeded my expectations. It will not only benefit the Taiwan Strait but also peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific," he said.
Mignonne Chan, a local legislator, noted that, through the meeting, Taiwan proved "to be a participant of a constructive relationship instead of a trouble maker".
立法委员Mignonne Chan指出,通过这次的会面,台湾证明了自己是建设性关系的一个参与者而不是一个麻烦制造者。
The meeting also presented Taiwan people a chance to carefully review the development of cross-Strait relations and under what conditions they have been achieved, Chan said.
She praised the mainland for choosing the path of peaceful development and adopting a "flexible and pragmatic approach".
Prof. Tso Chen-dong, with the Department of Political Science of Taiwan University, told Xinhua that the two sides of the Strait set a very good example of dispute-settling for the rest of the world as despite their history and differences they are able to talk and seek solutions.