悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第37期:酒神信徒的幻想
日期:2015-11-18 15:38


Such are the dispositions and insights of the reveling throng of Dionysus; and the power of these dispositions and insights transforms them in their own eyes, until they behold themselves restored to the condition of genii, of satyrs.
Later the tragic chorus came to be an aesthetic imitation of that natural phenomenon; which then necessitated a distinction between Dionysian spectators and votaries actually spellbound by the god.
What must be kept in mind in all these investigations is that the audience of Attic tragedy discovered itself in the chorus of the orchestra.
Audience and chorus were never fundamentally set over against each other:
All was one grand chorus of dancing, singing satyrs, and of those who let themselves be represented by them.
This granted, Schlegel's dictum assumes a profounder meaning.
The chorus is the "ideal spectator" inasmuch as it is the only seer--seer of the visionary world of the proscenium.

  • visionaryadj. 幻影的,幻想的,有远见卓识的 n. 空想家,梦
  • restoredadj. 精力充沛的;精力恢复的 v. 修复(resto
  • phenomenonn. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件
  • imitationn. 模仿,效法 adj. 假造的,冒充的
  • chorusn. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱
  • spectatorn. 观众,旁观者
  • orchestran. 管弦乐队
  • aestheticadj. 美学的,审美的,有美感的 n. (复数)审美观
  • distinctionn. 差别,对比,区分,荣誉,优秀
  • atticn. 阁楼