日期:2015-11-03 16:37


5.Living All By Yourself
People living alone are more likely to die early compared to those who are living together with their families or partners. Thankfully, this only applies to elderly people, specifically those aged 52 and above.


This finding was based on a British study that involved 6,500 participants and which lasted for seven years. According to this study, people who live alone, without considering their pre-existing conditions, are 26 percent more likely to die than those who live together with other people. When pre-existing illnesses are taken into account, elderly people who are socially isolated are 48 percent more likely to experience premature death. Previous studies show that aside from dying prematurely, those who live alone, whether they prefer it or not, are also at higher risk of developing dementia and heart disease. Fortunately, the risk of dying early can be easily reduced if elderly people are given the emotional and social support they need. Just by socializing with other people and engaging them in activities that decrease their loneliness, elderly individuals who live alone can significantly extend their life expectancy.

4.Sitting Too Much


If you're sitting right now, then you'd better stand up. Studies show that sitting for long periods of time can cause numerous serious health conditions and even premature death. A research conducted in the University of Leicester showed that people who spent most of their time sitting down, whether at work or at home, increased their risk of heart disease and diabetes. Furthermore, this research, which had 800,000 participants, discovered that even if people exercise regularly, their risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and even obesity will not decrease if they spend most of their time sitting on an office chair or couch.
In addition, what's more alarming is the fact that sitting can cause premature death. An Australian study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that adults aged 45 and above increased their risk of dying prematurely by as much as 40% just by sitting for 11 or more hours everyday. There's a scientific reason why sitting for long hours is unhealthy and deadly for us. Sitting down is interpreted by our "intelligent" bodies as signal for our systems to go into storage mode. When this happens, a lot of unhealthy things can occur. For instance, the glucose levels in our bodies spike up, good cholesterols are reduced while the unhealthy ones increase, and we become resistant to insulin. In other words, the more we sit down, the unhealthier we become.
除此之外,更让人担忧的是:长时间坐着会导致过早死亡。一位澳大利亚研究员在网络医学档案上发表过文章,表明45岁以及45岁以上的成年人每天坐的时间超过11个小时,他们过早死亡的概率会增加40%。 有这样一个科学的原因:解释为什么对于我们来说长时间坐着是不健康并且致命的。坐下这一举动会被我们智能的身体系统理解为我们的身体系统进入存储模式。例如,在体内的葡糖糖含量大幅度攀升,以及良性胆固醇减少、恶性的上升时,我们开始对胰岛素产生抗性。换句话说,坐得越久就会变得越坏。

3.Breathing Air


Yes, that's right. The simple act of breathing can significantly decrease your life expectancy. And if you're living in a major city or in an area that is heavily polluted, then your risk of dying prematurely due to breathing polluted air significantly increases. According to a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 200,000 people every year die prematurely in the U.S. due to air pollution. 53,000 of them die due to health problems caused by car pollution. Another 52,000 of these deaths are caused by the air pollution produced by generating electrical power. Alarmingly, the city which has the most deaths related to breathing polluted air is Baltimore. Other cities include Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Atlanta. So just how many years are deducted from those who are constantly exposed to breathing polluted air? Ten years.
是的,正如你所想。这个简单的呼吸举动足以降低你的平均寿命。如果你生活在某个主要城市,又或者在一个受到严重污染的地区,那么你过早死亡的风险会因为呼吸过多的被污染空气而大大提升。根据麻省理工学院研究表明:在美国,每年有20万人因空气污染而过早死亡;5万3千人因汽车污染所引发的健康问题而死亡。另外,有5万2千人因发电所产生的空气污染而死亡。更让人担忧的是,巴尔的摩是因呼吸被污染空气而导致死亡人数最多的城市。其他城市还包括:落基山、芝加哥、费城、底特律和亚特兰大。 所以那些长期暴露于被污染空气中的人们会减寿多少年呢?答案是十年!

2.Having an Unfulfilling, Stressful Job


When we hear people say "My job is killing me", we obviously don't take that literally. However, new studies show that this common workplace sentiment (which I'm sure many of us have blurted out once, twice, or a hundred times) might be literally true. Our jobs can cause us to die prematurely! You don't believe me? Well, here are the facts.
According to a study conducted by the University College London in 2012, people with stressful jobs are 23 percent more likely to experience heart attack than those with less demanding occupations. In addition, those with highly stressful jobs, like being the president of the United States, are more likely to age faster. Not only that but also those who work for more than 11 hours a day greatly increase their risk of developing depression. In addition, those with demanding jobs also experience difficulties in their relationships outside of work. The bad news doesn't end there. Women with demanding careers are more likely to develop diabetes too. And to top it off, a study conducted by the Tel Aviv University, which lasted for 20 years, showed that people with stressful jobs and whose work environments are hostile are more at risk of experiencing early death compared to those whose workplaces are friendly and positive.
根据伦敦大学2012年的一项调查表明,工作压力大的人比其他人多23%的患心脏病几率。除此之外,处于高压力职位的人,例如美国总统,将会老得更快。还有,一天工作超过11个小时的人极易患焦虑症。在对工作关系之外的其他社交关系的处理上,处于高压力职位的人也面临更多的困难。然而高压力职位的坏处还不止于此,女性高压力职位者更易患糖尿病。最严重的是,根据Tel Aviv大学从二十年前就开始的一项调查表明,有份压力大且工作环境充满敌意的工作的人比工作环境和平积极的人要更加容易过早死亡。

1.Not Having Enough Sex


Yes, that's right! Not having enough sex can cause you to die prematurely. In contrast, those who engage in sex regularly are more likely to increase their life expectancy. Numerous studies show that regular sex can increase blood circulation, decrease blood pressure, and enhance cholesterol levels. Aside from that, sex is a good weight loss regimen too. Just 30 minutes of bed play with your partner, and you'll burn 200 calories. In addition, sex can also protect you from diseases like colds and coughs since it enhances your immune system.
If you've been feeling a bit stressed lately, then you better have a long and sensual lovemaking session. Having sex can help you relax and reduce your stress levels by releasing oxytocin which stimulates the production of endorphins, "the happy hormones". And I'm not done yet. Having sex can make you look and feel younger too since it can help you become more energetic and produce collagen, a substance that keeps your skin glowing and supple. But best of all, having regular intercourse can prolong your life. A study conducted by the Duke University showed that women who engage in regular sex are likely to add eight more years to their lifespan. On the other hand, men who have regular orgasms reduce their likelihood of dying prematurely by as much as 50%. The next time you have sex, think of its many health benefits and how it can prevent you from dying prematurely.

翻译:better 来源:前十网

  • demandingadj. 要求多的,吃力的
  • hostileadj. 怀敌意的,敌对的
  • moden. 方式,样式,模式,风格,时兴 n. [音乐]
  • regimenn. 养生法,生活规则,训练课程,统治,制度
  • signaln. 信号,标志 v. (发信号)通知、表示 adj.
  • substancen. 物质,实质,内容,重要性,财产
  • stressfuladj. 紧张的,压力重的
  • instituten. 学会,学院,协会 vt. 创立,开始,制定
  • emotionaladj. 感情的,情绪的
  • extendv. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展