中英双语话历史 第12期:商朝(文化和科学)
日期:2015-11-03 14:32


Culture: The tradition of ancestral worship has a long history in China. Archeologists have found it was practiced even in Prehistoric Times.


With the emergence of farming, people worshipped the heaven in hope of favorable weather for crops. It was actually a kind of nature worship.


Another kind of worship was ancestor worship, also called soul worship.


People offered sacrifice to their ancestors, praying for blessings bestowed by their ancestors.


From the Xia Dynasty onwards, the primitive religion changed greatly.


Kings were endowed with supreme authority. In order to secure his power, the king combined ancestral worship and nature worship to create the God or the Heaven, and proclaimed himself the agent or the worldly descendent of the God.


Characters had existed in the Shang Dynasty, and discovered written materials are the remains of the late Shang, which mainly preserved on tortoise shells or shoulder blades of cattle. Nowadays, they are referred as oracle-bone inscriptions.


Since mainly used to record the facts of divination, it is also called oracle inscription.


A piece of it is about forty or fifty words, the longest a hundred words or also.


Apart from this, some bronze vessels are also engraved with a few characters, called jin wen (writings on bronzes) or zhong ding wen (writings on bells and tripods).


The longest writing consists of forty or fifty words, while the shortest one only five or six words, even one or two.


Up till now, not many of such inscriptions have been found, but they are a primary source of historical materials for the research of the Shang period.


Oracle-bone inscriptions are the important state archives.


The Shang rulers were very superstitious, and they would enquire ghosts and gods through divination when there was sacrifices, wars, hunting, diseases, agricultural affairs, weather conditions etc.

商统治者非常迷信,凡遇祭祀、征伐、田猎、疾 病、农业的丰歉、天气的阴晴风雨等大事,都要用占卜的方法询问鬼神。

Usually, a question was written on a tortoise shell or shoulder blade of cattle, then fired ; when cracks were produced, the oracle was interpreted on the basis of the pattern of them, and the interpretation was then written on the bone, too.

每次占卜时,先将所问事项刻在龟甲或牛肩胛骨上,然后把骨头放在火上烤,直至有裂纹出 现,这时就可以根据裂纹的形状进行占卜。占卜的结果亦刻在骨上。

After the predicted event occurred, the date of the occurrence was also written on the bone.


One hundred thousand of pieces of oracle-bone in-scriptions have been found in the ruins of Yin, which contains about 4500 characters and about 2000 have been deciphered. The written characters were already formed in four different ways: pictographs, ideographs, associative compounds and phonetic compounds.

在殷墟发现的甲骨卜辞约有10万多片,所记甲骨文单字总数约有4500左右,今已确认者约有2 000千字左右,基本上具备象形、指事、会意、形声等造字方式。

Scientific Achievements: The development of production is closely related to the advance of scientific knowledge.


The Shang people made great achievement in astronomy, calendar and mathematics.


The oracle-bone inscriptions have records of solar and eclipse, some constellations and newly discovered stars, for example, the Shang astronomers discovered Mars and various comets.


The Shang calendar had been quite perfect. It used a lunar calendar combined

with the solar year,disciplining month by moon, numbering year by sun and adjusting season with an intercalary month.


The common year was 12 months, and the leap year 13 months.


The intercalary month was at first added at the end of the year, but later inserted in the middle.


Ten characters known as “heavenly stems” and twelve other known as “earthly branches” were used to name the days in a cycle of sixty days.


There is a complete list of stems and branches in the oracle bone inscriptions, which is the earliest one in the Chinese history.


The advanced astronomy and calendar were closely connected to agriculture.


Oracle-bone inscriptions show that numbers as large as 30000 with a decimal system were used ;ideas about odd and even numbers came into being ; the primary ability to calculate was also developed.


Optics knowledge was applied to long ago. The convex mirror unearthed can reflect a man’s whole face in a quite small surface.


  • prehistoricadj. 史前的 =prehistorical
  • relatedadj. 相关的,有亲属关系的
  • preservedadj. 保藏的;腌制的;[美俚]喝醉的
  • ancestorn. 祖宗,祖先,原种
  • primaryadj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的 n. 最主
  • astronomyn. 天文学
  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • worshipn. 崇拜,爱慕,做礼拜 vi. 做礼拜 vt. 崇拜,
  • engravedadj. 被牢记的;被深深印入的 v. 雕刻(engra
  • secureadj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的 vt. 固定,获得,使