Yes, death is inevitable, but we have the capability either to delay or hasten it depending on the choices we make such as the way we live our lives. For example, common habits like smoking and not exercising regularly are known to decrease life expectancy significantly. However, there are some surprising things that we wouldn't have guessed can actually cause us to have an early appointment with death.
10.Having Big Breasts
I know this claim sounds absurd, but science can back it up. Many women want bigger breasts for a number of reasons such as looking more attractive, increasing self-confidence, or simply pleasing their men. If you have an average breast size, then you should be grateful. Why? New studies show that having big breasts can cause numerous health ailments and even early death. It's been reported that women with big breasts suffer from a great deal of back, arm, and neck pain. In addition, some also report that they experience friction rash, headaches, and spine deformity due to their large breasts. The pain associated with having big breasts is so extreme that some women have to take medications everyday just for the pain to subside.
This might come as a surprise to you but a survey conducted recently showed that one in ten women have low self-esteem because of their big breasts. In addition, a third of those surveyed said that their big breasts give them a great deal of pain while working out. But perhaps the worst consequence of having large breasts is dying prematurely. Women with big breasts are more likely to die five years earlier than their expected lifespan.
9.Drinking Too Much Coffee
Drinking coffee is perfectly fine. It even has numerous health benefits. However, consuming too much of this beverage can cause you numerous health conditions and even premature death. A study published in the Journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings showed that people under the age of 55 who consume four or more cups of coffee everyday or 28 cups or more per week increase their risk of dying prematurely by as much as 56%.
喝咖啡对健康好处多多,但喝太多会损害健康,甚至引起过早死亡。发表在Mayo Clinic Proceedings杂志上的一项研究显示,未满55岁的人如果每天喝四杯或每周喝28杯以上的咖啡,会使过早死亡的风险提高百分之五十六。
This study is quite big, involving 43,729 people—9,827 of them were women and 33,900 were men. Moreover, this study evaluated the information gathered from filled up medical and personal history questionnaires between the years 1979 and 1998. How can the overconsumption of coffee cause premature death? According to the experts who conducted the study, coffee has the capability to increase blood pressure, activate the production of epinephrine, and stop insulin activity. All of which can wreck havoc to your body. However, it should be noted, though, that the direct link between drinking too much coffee and premature death is not yet fully understood. But just to be safe, if you're under 55 and would like to live longer, then make sure to lessen your coffee consumption starting today.
8.Eating Whole Grains
I'm pretty sure you're saying right now, "But whole grains are healthy!", "They're recommended by medical experts!", "I've been eating them my whole life!" etc. Before you call me a liar, consider these facts first.
Whole grains contain phytates which block the absorption of certain essential minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, and calcium. Studies show that eating grains can block the absorption of iron by as much as 50%. In addition, magnesium, which is a vital mineral capable of staving off type 2 diabetes as well as calcium which is needed for preventing osteoporosis, are also blocked by phytates. And worst of all, eating grains can decrease your sex drive since it inhibits the absorption of zinc. Even if you take supplements, they still won't be absorbed and used by your body properly if you continue eating whole grains. Not convinced yet? How about this: studies show that whole grains, particularly wheat, have been linked to the development of certain autoimmune diseases. Lectins, which are present in wheat, can potentially cause lupus, hypothyroidism, eczema, and other autoimmune diseases.
7.Taking Sleeping Pills
Many people these days are suffering from insomnia, and to treat this problem doctors often prescribe sleeping pills. However, a certain study shows that taking sleeping pills can cause premature death. To be more specific, people taking sleeping medications are five times more likely to die prematurely than non-users. And worst of all, even if the dosage is low like 4 to 18 pills a year the risk doesn't diminish. In fact, people who take this number of pills annually are 3.6 times more likely to die prematurely than those who are not taking any sleeping medication.
Alarmingly, those who are taking 18 to 132 pills annually increase their risk of dying prematurely by as much 4.4%. Those who take 132 or more pills annually are 5.3 times more likely to experience an untimely death. The bad news doesn't end there. Those who take 132 pills a year increase their risk of developing cancer by as much as 35%. If you don't want to die prematurely, then ditch the pill the next time you find yourself awake and irritated at 2 o'clock in the morning.
惊人的是,每年平均服用18-132粒安眠药的人 ,其死亡风险会增加4.4%。服用超过132粒安眠药的人的死亡几率甚至会是未服用者的5.3倍。这还没完,这些服用安眠药每年达到132粒的人患上癌症的风险高达35%。如果你不想英年早逝,赶紧把你的安眠药扔掉吧。
6.Consuming Too Much Salt
If you're addicted to fast foods and processed foods, then you should definitely do your best to stop, not because they are rich in fat but because of their high sodium content. The Texas Medical Association (TMA) warns that eating foods that are high in salt can cause early death.
Aside from causing kidney stones, salt can also cause hypertension, which can lead to stroke and heart attack. The American Heart Association strongly encourages people to limit their sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams per day. Those who are suffering from hypertension should only take 1,500 milligrams of salt daily. But AMA admits that doing so is virtually impossible. Why? Consider this. One McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese has 1,190 mg of salt. On the other hand, One Wendy's Chicken BLD salad with no dressing has 1,280 mg. No wonder 65 million Americans have hypertension and 500,000 people die each year due to stroke and heart disease.
翻译:better 来源:前十网