'Dinner in the Sky' Takes Gourmet Dining To A Whole New Level
Two Belgian men have come up with a way to take fine dining to a whole new level - Literally! Diners at their pop-up and franchised restaurants enjoy gourmet meals perched upon floating platforms suspended 180-feet above ground with the help of a giant crane!
两个比利时男子把用餐带到了新的高度——这不是比喻,而是事实哦!依靠大型起重机的帮助,人们可以在高达180英尺的空中餐厅享用美食 。
The inaugural event held above the city of Brussels in April 2007, comprised an ordinary platform suspended in the atmosphere with 22 guests and the chef of the French restaurant Ghysels was trying to promote. It was so successful that the men knew they had a winning concept on their hands. And they were right!
两位创始人最初的尝试是2007年4月在布鲁塞尔市开展的:主要通过一个悬挂在空中,坐有22位客人的普通的台面实现 。当时法国餐厅的大厨Ghysels也在帮忙极力推荐 。这次尝试非常顺利,使得两位创始人心里对日后的成功有了底,事实也证明他们是对的!
In the past nine years, 'Dinner in the Sky' has delighted over a 1000 guests in 40 countries. The locations range from skies above the bustling Las Vegas strip to the beautiful Dubai Marina and even adjacent to the Eiffel Tower in Paris,France.
过去的9年,空中餐厅已经推广至40多个国家,吸引了1000多名顾客来尝试 。无论喧闹的拉斯维加斯、美丽的迪拜,还是法国埃菲尔铁塔附近,都有它的身影 。
To keep the meals intimate and exclusive, each sitting comprises just 22 guests. Diners are first treated to cocktails and appetizers on the ground. Then they line up at the restaurant's entrance which in this case is a giant roller-coaster-like platform fitted with a securely attached tables and chairs. Once seated the guests are requested to strap on a safety harness and the fun ride begins.
为了保持用餐的私密与独特,空中餐厅一次可以坐22名食客 。食客们先在地面享用鸡尾酒和开胃菜,随后在空中餐厅入口——由固定桌椅组成的过山车似的台子处坐好后,系上安全带就可以享受上升的乐趣了 。
Upon reaching the desired height, the visitors spend anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes enjoying a three or four-course meal, prepared by a famous local chef. Some pop-up versions even feature piano players or orchestra bands that entertain guests from their own suspended platforms. To ensure that an errant fork or knife doesn't hurt people on the ground, the space underneath the table is kept clear of all traffic.
当到达理想的高度,来自世界各地的食客就可以享受当地名厨准备的美食了 。通常,每餐由3-4个主菜组成,用餐时间大概有40-60分钟 。有些地方的空中餐厅还在餐桌旁边的台子上设有钢琴或者交响乐团的表演 。为了防止空中餐厅的餐具意外伤到地面的人,空中餐台设置时往往会避开地面人群 。
The $300 fee per guest includes a limousine ride to the restaurant's destination. However, the one thing it doesn't is a trip to the bathroom. For while gastronomic food may be available that high up, restrooms are not!
300美元的餐费里还包括豪车接驾到餐厅的服务 。但是,这可不包括去卫生间的路程 。美食也许容易带到高空,卫生间就那么容易了!
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