According to the documents, when Yu was old, he selected Bo Yi, a chieftain of Dongyi tribe, as the successor.
However, after his death, Qi, the son of Yu, seized the throne, and killed Bo Yi.
但禹死后, 禹之子启夺得王位,并杀掉益。
From then on, the period of Abdication came to an end, while the hereditary monarchy started.
从此,中国历史上的“禅让时代”结束, 王位世袭制开始。
Yu of the Xia called in all the vassals to the capital Yangzhai to celebrate his inauguration at tai in order to get the recognition of them. This indicated that the reign of the Xia had been established.
After the succession, Qi wiped out You Hu Shi tribe at the battle of Gan, then won the battle of Xihe and killed Wuguan, which contributed to the consolidation of his reign. Qi finally became the king who had unified the country.
The foundation of Xia is a turning point in Chinese history.
For a long time, the knowledge about the Xia had been based on ancient documents for lack of written records from the Xia, including kings, officials, army, penal code and prisons.
Nowadays, large-scale palaces, tombs, as well as bronze vessels were excavated at Erlitou Village in Yanshi County Henan Province, which reflect the information on the politics, economy, culture and social life of the Xia Dynasty.
现代以来,河南省偃师县 (今偃师市)二里头村遗址中大型宫殿、墓葬以及许多青铜器的出土,从一个侧面揭示了作为奴隶制的夏朝的政治、经济及社会文化、生活等等方面的情况。
State System: The Xia was built on the ruin of primitive commune system.
In the process of its disintegration, the patriarchy began to confront with the commune system, whereas the hereditary kingship and nobility evolved on the base of the patriarchy. All levels of nobles still maintained the original blood relationship, distinguishing surnames strictly.
Accordingly, clan relationship was set respectively.
Though followed the old clan system, the agnation focused on the patriarchy, and defined a noble rank and status according to their positions in the family hierarchy and kinship.
State Organs: The Xia is a slave-owning state. The establishment of hereditary monarchy eliminated the function of the tribe as an organization representing the will of its members and taking care of its own affairs.
What was emerging instead was a state apparatus on which one class ruling over another.
Slave owners evolving from clan nobles were in dominant position and the mass laborers were slaves.
The king, also called uTianzi>, (the son of God) had all kinds of officials responsible for various affairs.
The Xia Dynasty by then had not only erected city walls, but also established its own army, penal code and prisons. Xiatai was the most notorious one.
It is said that Tang, the king of the Shang Dynasty had been incarcerated there.