Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says Australians may soon be able to travel without their passports in a world-leading initiative.
澳大利亚外交部部长朱莉·毕晓普(Julie Bishop)表示,如果一个全球领先的项目成功实行,可能很快澳洲人民旅行时就无需携带护照了。
The traditional travel documents would be ditched for 'cloud passports' as part of the initiative, which was presented during a 'hackathon' in Canberra, according to the Canberra Times.
'We think it will go global,' Ms Bishop said of the idea of passport-less travel, which was presented to a number of leaders as part of the Department of Foreign Affairs' InnovationXchange project.
谈及“无护照旅行”的理念时,毕晓普说道:“我们认为这一理念将席卷全世界”。“无护照旅行”的理念已在会上向多位高层领导作了介绍,这是澳大利亚外交部创新交流计划(InnovationXchange project)的一部分。
Ms Bishop acknowledged security standards would have to be met to store personal information in the cloud.
The meeting on Wednesday was also attended by Chris Vein, chief innovation officer for Global Information and Communications Technology Development with the World Bank, Australian Minister for International Development Steve Ciobo, and DFAT Secretary Peter Varghese.
出席28日的黑客马拉松大会的还有:世界银行(World Bank)全球信息和通信技术局首席创新官克里斯·维因(Chris Vein)、澳大利亚国际发展部部长史蒂夫·西奥博(Steve Ciobo)以及澳大利亚外交贸易部(DFAT)秘书长彼得•瓦吉斯(Peter Varghese)。
A 'cloud passport' would work by storing the identity and biometric data of holders online so it could be checked digitally, which would eliminate the need to carry a physical copy.
It would also mean the risk of Australians losing or having their passports stolen would be significantly reduced, according to the newspaper.
DFAT statistics show 38,718 passports were reported lost or stolen in 2014-15.
Australiaand New Zealand are currently in discussions about trialing the world-first method.
The InnovationXchange project was designed by Ms Bishop as a way to 'support innovation across the Australian aid program', according to the department.
The $140 million project was launched in May in collaboration with American publisher and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who heralded the initiative by saying it will 'challenge the status quo and use innovation to solve tough problems'.
这项投资额为1.4亿美元的项目于五月份启动,合作方为美国出版商、前纽约市市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)。他在宣布这一项目时表示,该项目将“挑战现状,用创新解决难题”。
Australiaimplemented 'e-passports' in 2005, which feature an embedded chip storing travellers digitised photograph, name, gender, date of birth, nationality, passport number, and the passport expiry date.