The Paramount resort, including hotels, restaurants and bars as well as themed rides and shows, costs a total of 3.2 billion pounds and is expected to open in 2021.
"The resort combines the best of Hollywood through Paramount Pictures, the best of British through the involvement of the BBC and Aardman Animations and now the best of Chinese construction expertise through SinoFortone Group," said Nigel Spray, head of principal investments and advisory at Kleinwort Benson.
德累斯登银行的首席投资与咨询顾问Nigel Spray表示:“这将是派拉蒙影视,英国广播公司和阿德曼动画公司与中富集团联手打造的具有美国好莱坞、英国以及中国的建筑风格及特色的游乐园”
It is reported that SinoFortone Group is a joint venture between Hong Kong-based Sinolinks Group and Liaoning Fortone Group.