COLUMBIA, Mo. – Jilly Dos Santos really did try to get to school on time. She set three successive alarms on her phone. Skipped breakfast. Hastily applied makeup while her fuming father drove. But last year she rarely made it into the frantic scrum at the doors of Rock Bridge High School here by the first bell, at 7:50 a.m.
密苏里州哥伦比亚市—为了按时到校,吉莉·多斯桑托斯(Jilly Dos Santos)已经使尽了浑身解数。她在手机上连着设了三个闹钟,早餐也顾不上吃,在父亲气冲冲驾车的途中匆匆化妆。但即使这样,去年她几乎也从未成功在早上7:50预备铃响之前冲进石桥高中(Rock Bridge High School)大门口蜂拥的学生群中。
Then she heard that the school board was about to make the day start even earlier, at 7:20 a.m.
“I thought, if that happens, I will die,” recalled Jilly, 17. “I will drop out of school!”
That was when the sleep-deprived teenager turned into a sleep activist. She was determined to convince the board of a truth she knew in the core of her tired, lanky body: Teenagers are developmentally driven to be late to bed, late to rise. Could the board realign the first bell with that biological reality?
The sputtering, nearly 20-year movement to start high schools later has recently gained momentum in communities like this one, as hundreds of schools in dozens of districts across the country have bowed to the accumulating research on the adolescent body clock.
In just the last two years, high schools in Long Beach, Calif.; Stillwater, Okla.; Decatur, Ga.;, and Glens Falls, N.Y., have pushed back their first bells, joining early adopters in Connecticut, North Carolina, Kentucky and Minnesota. The Seattle school board will vote this month on whether to pursue the issue. The superintendent of Montgomery County, Md., supports the shift, and the school board for Fairfax County, Va., is working with consultants to develop options for starts after 8 a.m.
New evidence suggests that later high school starts have widespread benefits. Researchers at the University of Minnesota, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, studied eight high schools in three states before and after they moved to later start times in recent years. In results released Wednesday they found that the later a school’s start time, the better off the students were on many measures, including mental health, car crash rates, attendance and, in some schools, grades and standardized test scores.
新的证据表明,推迟高中上课时间可以带来广泛的效益。在美国疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的资助下,美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)的科学家们研究了三个州的八所高中在近几年推迟上课时间的前后,学生们出现了哪些变化。他们在周三公布的研究结果显示:高中上课时间越晚,学生们在诸多指标(心理健康、车祸率、出勤率等,在某些学校里甚至还包括成绩和标准化考试分数)方面的改善越大。
Dr. Elizabeth Miller, chief of adolescent medicine at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, who was not involved in the research, noted that the study was not a randomized controlled trial, which would have compared schools that had changed times with similar schools that had not. But she said its methods were pragmatic and its findings promising.
未参与这项研究的匹兹堡儿童医院青少年医学部负责人伊丽莎白·米勒(Elizabeth Miller)博士指出,该研究并非随机对照试验——按照随机对照试验的设计要求,应是将改变了作息时间的学校与未进行此类改变的同类学校进行比较。但她承认该方法较实用,其研究结果大有前途。
“Even schools with limited resources can make this one policy change with what appears to be benefits for their students,” Dr. Miller said.
Researchers have found that during adolescence, as hormones surge and the brain develops, teenagers who regularly sleep eight to nine hours a night learn better and are less likely to be tardy, get in fights or sustain athletic injuries. Sleeping well can also help moderate their tendency toward impulsive or risky decision-making.
During puberty, teenagers have a later release of the “sleep” hormone melatonin, which means they tend not to feel drowsy until around 11 p.m. That inclination can be further delayed by the stimulating blue light from electronic devices, which tricks the brain into sensing wakeful daylight, slowing the release of melatonin and the onset of sleep. The Minnesota study noted that 88 percent of the students kept a cellphone in their bedroom.
But many parents, and some students, object to shifting the start of the day later. They say doing so makes sports practices end late, jeopardizes student jobs, bites into time for homework and extracurricular activities, and upsets the morning routine for working parents and younger children.
At heart, though, experts say, the resistance is driven by skepticism about the primacy of sleep.
“It’s still a badge of honor to get five hours of sleep,” said Dr. Judith Owens, a sleep expert at the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington. “It supposedly means you’re working harder, and that’s a good thing. So there has to be a cultural shift around sleep.”
“人们仍然觉得应该给每晚睡五个小时的人颁发劳模奖章,”全美儿童医疗中心(Children’s National Medical Center,位于华盛顿)的睡眠专家朱迪丝·欧文斯(Judith Owens)博士说。“大家都想当然地以为这表示工作比较拼命,值得赞扬。因此,要为推迟上学时间争取更多的支持,就必须从文化层面入手,转变人们的睡眠观。”
Last January, Jilly decided she would try to make that change happen in the Columbia school district, which sprawls across 300 square miles of flatland, with 18,000 students and 458 bus routes. But before she could make the case for a later bell, she had to show why an earlier one just would not do.
She got the idea in her team-taught Advanced Placement world history class, which explores the role of leadership. Students were urged to find a contemporary topic that ignited their passion. One morning, the teachers mentioned that a school board committee had recommended an earlier start time to solve logistical problems in scheduling bus routes. The issue would be discussed at a school board hearing in five days. If you do not like it, the teachers said, do something.
吉莉最早产生这个念头,是在以小组协同教学方式进行的大学先修课程(Advanced Placement)世界史的课堂上。这堂课探讨的是领导力的作用。老师们鼓励学生从当代寻找一个足以点燃他们激情的课题。一天早晨,老师们提到学校董事会的委员会建议提前上课时间,以解决调度公交线路的后勤问题。学校董事会将于五天内召开听证会对这一提议进行讨论。老师们提醒学生:如果你不喜欢这样,那就用行动来表达你的意愿。
Jilly did the ugly math: A first bell at 7:20 a.m. meant she would have to wake up at 6 a.m.
She had found her passion.
She seemed an unlikely choice to halt what was almost a done deal. She was just a sophomore, and did not particularly relish conflict. But Jilly, the youngest of seven children, had learned to be independent early on: Her mother died when she was 9.
And she is energetic and forthright. That year, she had interned on a voter turnout drive for Missouri Democrats, volunteered in a French-immersion prekindergarten class, written for the student newspaper, worked at a fast-food pizza restaurant and maintained an A average in French, Spanish and Latin.
“It’s about time management,” she explained one recent afternoon, curled up in an armchair at home.
That Wednesday, she pulled an all-nighter. She created a Facebook page and set up a Twitter account, alerting hundreds of students about the school board meeting: “Be there to have a say in your school district’s decisions on school start times!”
She then got in touch with Start School Later, a nonprofit group that provided her with scientific ammunition. She recruited friends and divided up sleep-research topics. With a blast of emails, she tried to enlist the help of every high school teacher in the district. She started an online petition.
然后,她与非营利性组织“推迟上课时间”(Start School Later)取得了联系,并从该组织获得了所需的科学依据。她招募友人与她分担睡眠研究课题,并发出大量电子邮件,尽力争取该学区内每一位高中老师的帮助。她还在网上发起了请愿活动。
The students she organized made hundreds of posters and fliers, and posted advice on Twitter: “If you are going to be attending the board meeting tomorrow we recommend that you dress up!”
The testy school board meeting that Monday was packed. Jilly, wearing a demure, ruffled white blouse and skirt, addressed the board, blinking owl-like. The dignitaries’ faces were a blur to her because while nervously rubbing her eyes, she had removed her contact lenses. But she spoke coolly about the adolescent sleep cycle: “You know, kids don’t want to get up,” she said. “I know I don’t. Biologically, we’ve looked into that.”
The board heatedly debated the issue and decided against the earlier start time.
The next day Jilly turned to campaigning for a later start time, joining a movement that has been gaining support. A 2011 report by the Brookings Institution recommended later start times for high schools, and last summer Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, posted his endorsement of the idea on Twitter.
第二天,吉莉转战下一个目标:投身于“争取推迟上课时间”这一日益获得人们支持的运动中去。2011年,布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)发布报告建议高中推迟上课时间。去年夏天,美国教育部长阿恩·邓肯(Arne Duncan)在Twitter上发言表达了赞同意见。
The University of Minnesota study tracked 9,000 high school students in five districts in Colorado, Wyoming and Minnesota before and after schools shifted start times. In those that originally started at 7:30 a.m., only a third of students said they were able to get eight or more hours of sleep. Students who got less than that reported significantly more symptoms of depression, and greater use of caffeine, alcohol and illegal drugs than better-rested peers.
“It’s biological — the mental health outcomes were identical from inner-city kids and affluent kids,” said Kyla Wahlstrom, a professor of educational research at the University of Minnesota and the lead author of the study.
“这是生物学机理决定的——无论是来自贫民区的孩子还是富庶家庭的孩子,这些心理健康结果都一致,”明尼苏达大学的教育研究教授、该研究的主要作者凯拉·瓦尔斯特龙(Kyla Wahlstrom)指出。
In schools that now start at 8:35 a.m., nearly 60 percent of students reported getting eight hours of sleep nightly.
In 2012, the high school in Jackson, Wyo., moved the first bell to 8:55 a.m. from 7:35 a.m. During that academic year, car crashes by drivers 16 to 18 years old dropped to seven from 23 the year before. Academic results improved, though not across the board.
After high schools in the South Washington County district, outside Minneapolis, switched to an 8:35 a.m. start, grades in some first- and third-period classes rose between half a point and a full grade point. And the study found that composite scores on national tests such as the ACT rose significantly in two of the five districts.
Many researchers say that quality sleep directly affects learning because people store new facts during deep-sleep cycles. During the rapid-eye-movement phases, the brain is wildly active, sorting and categorizing the day’s data. The more sleep a teenager gets, the better the information is absorbed.
“Without enough sleep,” said Jessica Payne, a sleep researcher and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, “teenagers are losing the ability not only to solidify information but to transform and restructure it, extracting inferences and insights into problems.”
圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)的心理学助理教授,睡眠研究员杰茜卡·佩恩(Jessica Payne)表示:“睡眠不足令青少年丧失的不仅仅是巩固信息的能力,还有将信息转化和重组,引申出推论并深入洞察问题本质的能力。”
Last February, the school board in Columbia met to consider later start times. “It is really reassuring to know that students can have a say in the matter,” Jilly told them. “So thank you, guys, for that.”
The moment of decision arrived at the board’s next meeting in March. Jilly sat in the front row, posting on Twitter, and addressed the board one last time. “I know it’s not the most conventional thing and it’s going to get some pushback,” she said, referring to the later time. “But it is the right decision.”
The board voted, 6 to 1, to push back the high school start time to 9 a.m. “Jilly kicked it over the edge for us,” said Chris Belcher, the superintendent.
经过董事会表决,以6比1的绝对优势决定将高中上课时间推迟至早晨9点。“吉莉在其中发挥了关键的推动作用,”学监克里斯·贝尔彻(Chris Belcher)说。
It is now seven months into the new normal. At Rock Bridge High School, the later end to the day, at 4:05 p.m., is problematic for some, including athletes who often miss the last period to make their away games.
“After doing homework, it gets to be 11:30 p.m. pretty quickly,” said Brayden Parker, a senior varsity football player. “I would prefer to get home by dark and have more time to chill out.”
“等做完家庭作业,很快就到晚上11:30了,”橄榄球队的毕业班球员布雷·登帕克(Brayden Parker)说。“我宁愿在天黑前回家,想要有更多的时间放松一下。”
The high schools in the district have tried to adjust, for example by adding Wi-Fi access to buses so athletes can do homework on the road. Some classes meet only one or two days a week, and are supplemented with online instruction. More sports practices and clubs convene before school.
Some parents and first-period teachers are seeing a payoff in students who are more rested and alert.
At 7:45 a.m. on a recent school day, Rock Bridge High, a long, one-story building with skylights and wide hallways, was sun-drenched and almost silent.
Then, like an orchestra tuning up, students gradually started arriving, some for debate club and choir, others to meet in the cafeteria for breakfast and gossip. Laughter crackled across the lobby, as buses dropped off more students, and others drifted in from the parking lots. The growing crowds could almost be described as civilized.
At 8:53 a.m., Jilly burst through the north entrance door, long hair uncombed and flyaway, wearing no makeup, lugging her backpack.
“Even when I am late to school now,” she said, dashing down a corridor to make that 8:55 bell, “it’s only by three or four minutes.”