5.World Trade Center 9/11 (Steve Ludlum)
The power of Steve Ludlum's photos are astounding, and the written description only tends to dilute the impact. The consequences of the second aircraft crashing into New York's WTC were devastating: fireballs erupted and smoke billowed from the skyscrapers anticipating the towers' collapse and monstrous dust clouds.
4.After the Tsunami (Arko Datta)
One of the most representative and striking photos of the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami was taken by Reuters photographer Arko Datta in Tamil Nadu. He won the World Press Photo competition of 2004. Kathy Ryan, jury member and picture editor of The New York Times Magazine, characterized Datta's image as a "graphic, historical and starkly emotional picture."
路透社的尔科·达塔在泰米尔纳德邦拍摄了其中一张对印度海啸过后的拍摄中最有代表性且惊心动魄的图,并且获得了2004年的荷赛奖。Kathy Ryan(纽约时代杂志的配图编辑兼荷赛奖评审团成员)说,达塔的这张照片是一张图像化、历史化了的饱含情感的照片。
"After the Tsunami" illustrates an Indian woman lying on the sand with her arms outstretched, mourning a dead family member. Her relative was killed by one of the deadliest natural disasters that we have ever seen: the Indian Ocean tsunami.
3.Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984 (Pablo Bartholomew)
Pablo Bartholomew is an acclaimed Indian photojournalist who captured the Bhopal Gas Tragedy into his lens. Twenty-six years have passed since India's worst industrial catastrophe injured 558,125 people and killed as many as 15,000. Because safety standards and maintenance procedures had been ignored at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, a leak of methyl isocyanate gas and other chemicals triggered a massive environmental and human disaster. Photographer Pablo Bartholomew rushed to document the catastrophe. He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist. "This expression was so moving and so powerful to tell the whole story of the tragedy", said Raghu Rai.
2.Operation Lion Heart (Deanne Fitzmaurice)
Pulitzer Prize award winning photojournalist Deanne Fitzmaurice won the highly respected award in 2005 for the photographic essay "Operation Lion Heart."
"Operation Lion Heart" is the story of a 9-year-old Iraqi boy who was severely injured by an explosion during one of the most violent conflicts of modern history – the Iraq War. The boy was brought to a hospital in Oakland, CA where he had to undergo dozens of life-and-death surgeries. His courage and unwillingness to die gave him the nickname: Saleh Khalaf, "Lion Heart". Deanne Fitzmaurice's shocking photographs ran in the San Francisco Chronicle in a five-part series written by Meredith May.
"狮心手术"说的是一位九岁伊拉克小男孩的故事,他在现代最激烈的武装冲突——伊拉克战争中被严重炸伤。这位小男孩之后被送到了加利福利亚州的奥克兰市,在那里接受了多次生死攸关的手术。他对死亡不屈不挠的勇气使他得到了一个绰号:萨利赫·哈拉夫(Saleh Khalaf即狮子的心脏)。迪安·菲茨莫里斯这一张令人震惊的图片被旧金山新闻的记者梅瑞狄斯写入了一篇分为五部分的报道中。
1.Tragedy of Omayra Sanchez (Frank Fourier)
Frank Fournier captured the tragic image of Omayra Sanchez trapped in mud and collapsed buildings. The eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia 1985 triggered a massive mudslide. It devastated towns and killed 25,000 people.
After 3 days of struggling, Omayra died due to hypothermia and gangrene. Her tragic death accentuated the failure of officials to respond quickly and save the victims of Colombia's worst ever natural disaster. Frank Fournier took this photo shortly before Omayra died. Her agonizing death was followed live on TV by hundreds of millions of people around the world and started a major controversy. May her soul rest in peace…
翻译:欧阳远丽 来源:前十网