Dong Zhongshu (179 B. C.~104 B. C.) was a Confucian scholar instrumental in establishing Confucianism in 136 as the state cult of China and as the basis of official political philosophy-a position it was to hold for 2 000 years.
As a philosopher, Dong merged the Confucianist and Yin-Yang schools of thought.
As a Chief Minister to the emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Dong was chiefly responsible for the dismissal of all non-Confucian scholars from government. He established Confucianism as the empire's unifying ideology (136 B. C.) and set up an imperial college, instrumental in the later establishment of the Chinese civil service.
As a philosopher, Dong made the theory of the interaction between heaven and man his central theme.
The emperor is heaven's ambassador on earth, and natural catastrophes such as floods and droughts are Heaven's way of warning the emperor to examine his personal conduct and correct his mistakes.
Yang (light, positive, male) and yin(dark, negative, female) are the two fundamental forces of the universe and as such should be kept in harmony.
The ruler has the duty to preserve that harmony. He must prevent disturbances by caring for and educating his people.
He may reform institutions when necessary but may never alter or destroy the basic moral principles of heaven.
In Dong's system the ruler has the central position-undoubtedly one of the major reasons that Confucianism was accepted by Emperor Wu.
Confucian scholars, however, are given an equal if less obvious power.
It is they who interpret the portents and thus exercise a check on the policies of the ruler.
Dong's "Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals" is one of the most important philosophical works of the Han period.
In it, Dong interpreted the Confucian Classic “Spring and Autumn Annals", a chronicle of the events in Confucius' native state of Lu between 722 B. C. and 481 B. C., supposedly edited by Confucius.
Dong felt that Confucius not only recorded events in such a way as to exercise judgment upon them but that he also laid down the rules to be used in governing future dynasties.
董仲舒认为: 孔子在记录事件的同时不但做了判断,而且为后世朝代治理国家定下了原则。
According to Dong, Confucius understood the relationship between man and nature and therefore the way to interpret portents and omens.