日期:2015-10-17 13:26


Q. Are men more likely to be claustrophobic than women?


A. The opposite seems to be true, as is the case in almost all anxiety disorders, large epidemiological studies have found. The reasons for such a gender difference are not clear, and claustrophobia, the feeling of extreme panic when faced with being in a confined or enclosed space, is not as well studied as some other phobias.


One situation that has been comparatively well researched is what happens when people need magnetic resonance imaging, which often involves a prolonged period of confinement in a small enclosure, the perfect storm of claustrophobia triggers.


A recent study found that certain factors seem to correlate with an increase in claustrophobic reactions, including being female, going into the scanner head first and having a previous negative experience with the test. Another large study involving scanners with a shorter chamber and noise reduction found a significant reduction in claustrophobic reactions, but being female and middle-aged were still associated with a higher rate of claustrophobia.


It has often been assumed that claustrophobia develops as a response to a traumatic experience, like being trapped in a closet as a child, but newer research suggests a genetic component. In one study in mice, a single defective gene was associated with claustrophobia.


  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • geneticadj. 基因的,遗传的,起源的
  • anxietyn. 焦虑,担心,渴望
  • defectiveadj. 有缺陷的,不完全变化的(动词) n. 有缺陷的
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌
  • magneticadj. 有磁性的,有吸引力的,催眠术的
  • comparativelyadv. 比较地,相对地
  • enclosuren. 附件,围墙,围绕
  • assumedadj. 假装的;假定的
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某