经典科幻文学:《 基本上无害 Mostly Harmless》 第8章5
日期:2015-10-13 10:19


So this was where accountants spent their time. There was clearly more to them than met the eye. He looked around carefully, trying not to let it all swell and swim and overwhelm him.


He didn’t know his way around this universe. He didn’t even know the physical laws that determined its dimensional extents or behaviours, but his instinct told him to look for the most outstanding feature he could detect and make towards it.


Way off in some indistinguishable distance – was it a mile or a million or a mote in his eye? – was a stunning peak that overarched the sky, climbed and climbed and spread out in flowering aigrettes , agglomerates , and archimandrites .


He weltered towards it, hooling and thurling, and at last reached it in a meaninglessly long umthingth of time.


He clung to it, arms outspread, gripping tightly on to its roughly gnarled and pitted surface. Once he was certain that he was secure he made the hideous mistake of looking down.


While he had been weltering, hooling and thurling, the distance beneath him had not bothered him unduly, but now that he was gripping, the distance made his heart wilt and his brain bend. His fingers were white with pain and tension. His teeth were grinding and twisting against each other beyond his control. His eyes turned inwards with waves from the willowing extremities of nausea.


With an immense effort of will and faith he simply let go and pushed.


He felt himself float. Away. And then, counter-intuitively, upwards. And upwards.


He threw his shoulders back, let his arms drop, gazed upwards and let himself be drawn loosely, higher and higher.


Before long, insofar as such terms had any meaning in this virtual universe, a ledge loomed up ahead of him on which he could grip and on to which he could clamber.


He rose, he gripped, he clambered.


  • universen. 宇宙,万物,世界
  • determinedadj. 坚毅的,下定决心的
  • instinctadj. 充满的 n. 本能,天性,直觉
  • dimensionaladj. 空间的
  • grippingadj. 引起注意的 动词grip的现在分词形式
  • indistinguishableadj. 不能区别的,难区分的,不易觉察的
  • overwhelmvt. 淹没,打击,压倒
  • bendv. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从 n. 弯曲,弯曲物
  • immenseadj. 巨大的,广大的,非常好的
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某